The Lost Boys #1
Author: Lilian Carmine
Reading Level: Young Adult
Genre: Paranormal | Ghost | Fantasy
Released: October 24th 2013
Review Source: Purchased

Fate has brought them together. But will it also keep them apart?
Having moved to a strange town, seventeen-year-old Joey Gray is feeling a little lost, until she meets a cute, mysterious boy near her new home. But there’s a very good reason why Tristan Halloway is always to be found roaming in the local graveyard…
Perfect for fans of Romance and Supernatural, The Lost Boys is a magical, romantic tale of girl meets ghost.
The Lost Boys was a cute read (with a cute cover) and as it was inspired by British boy band McFly, I had to read it. The summary and the first few chapters had me going, really had me going. Like, had the potential to be one of my favourite 2014 reads potential. The juvenile writing style didn’t go unnoticed but I didn’t hold that against anybody, it was a book I was familiar with before it was picked up by a publisher so I was pretty excited to read it.
The story starts with Joe. New to town, Joe somehow manages to get lost in the heart of the cemetery while helping out her neighbour. There she meets Tristian, who is also at the cemetery...just hanging out (strange, huh?). The connection between the two is fast-paced and downright cute. One thing leads to another and Tristan finds himself human and bound to Joey... but that’s not the biggest drama. Someone want’s Tristian dead.
It was easy to figure out some of the mystery, but Joe and Tristan’s love/chemistry made up for it. What they had felt real and did I mention cute? I couldn’t help but love them. Granted, they author's style wasn't my favourite but overall it was an enjoyable read.
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