31 July 2014

Book Review: Virgin by Radhika Sanghani + Giveaway

Author: Radhika Sanghani
Reading Level: New Adult
Genre: Contemporary
Released: August 5th 2014
Review Source: Berkley

Okay, I admit it…I didn’t do it.


This is normal, right? I mean, just because everyone I know has talked like they’ve already done it doesn’t mean that they’re telling the truth…right?

It’s not like I’m asking for that much. I don’t need the perfect guy. I don’t need candlelight or roses. Honestly, I don’t even need a real bed.

The guys I know complain that girls are always looking for Mr. Right—do I have to wear a sign that says I’m only looking for Mr. Right Now?

Sooooo…anyone out there want sex? Anyone? Hello? Just for fun?

I am not going to die a virgin. One way or another I am going to make this happen.

Hey, what have I got to lose? Besides the obvious.

Virgin was definitely a book where I got more than I expected and I just totally love when that happens! It took me completely by surprise on how much I adored this book. Virgin follows Ellie a 21 year old college student who has this huge cloud hanging over her head, she’s a virgin. Ellie wasn’t the girl that wanted to save herself for the right one; she just wanted to lose it to get it over with, to not be the odd man out when everyone around her is talking about all their experiences and escapades.

So when I read the excerpt about this girl who was actively trying to lose her virginity I was a little wary, but Leydy said she heard it was hilarious so I dove in and pushed my qualms aside. This book wasn’t just about this girl losing her virginity it was her actively trying to get answers to questions you wouldn’t want to ask your mother, or find in Cosmopolitan, and sometimes it can be a little awkward to ask your friends about. And being a girl and growing up going through these odd changes and all that jazz that comes with becoming a woman, the questions are there and the answers were few and far between. So while Ellie was trying to hand over her V card to the first taker, her and a friend Emma start a blog, or a Vlog (a vagina blog), talking about all the awkward stuff coming from a virgin and in Emma’s words a slut. They tackle the good the bad and down right cheek blushing questions.

This book became more than Ellie losing her virginity, but you get to see her evolve as a woman and become a true independent, I don’t give a crap what you think person. She went through trial and tribulations with friends, herself, and life in general. I loved this book so much and would love for every mature teen to read it. It’ll definitely help some girls get over the hurdles they were struggling to find the answers for.

1 comment:

  1. Love Love Love this book!!! I read it weeks ago and I couldn't put it down. The B-Job debacle was quite hilarious!
