27 July 2014

Stacking the Shelves: 7/27/14

Stacking the Shelves is hosted by Tynga's Reviews

For Review: (physical copies)


For Review: (Audiobooks, NetGalley, Edelweiss, eBooks, ext...)



Current Giveaways: (Click pictures to go to giveaway post):


  1. Of Scars and Stardust looks so good! I'm very excited to read that one. :) I hope you enjoy your new books.

  2. So excited for Of Scars and Stardust!! Just looks like one of those bizarre, creepy, mind-bending kinda books! :)

  3. I hadn't heard of Of Scars and Stardust before, but it sounds like something I'd enjoy. Thanks for sharing and happy reading.

  4. Nice looking assortment. I just pre-ordered Divergent. I've read the book and am eager to watch the movie. Come see what I got at Inside of a Dog and Ms. Martin Teaches Media. Happy reading!

  5. Nice haul. I also picked up the Ann Aguirre book as well. The rest of your books are new to me.

    Grace @ Books of Love

  6. What a FAB haul this week!! I LOVE the cover of "Love's Paradox", and also the one for "When We Met". They both look terrific! And oh, you got an Ann Aguirre book! I haven't heard of this one before. I have to check out the rest of the books -- they all look like great reads!

    Thanks for sharing! Enjoy!! I invite you to come on over and check out my own treasures:


  7. Yay for Divergent on blu-ray :D I'm excited to own it soonish too. <3 Happy reading sweetie. So many awesome books :D

  8. Seriously whenever I read the title of Ann Aguirre's I want it that way, i am always reminded of the backstreet boys song and just couldn't help start signing it.....

    That is one great haul.... Happy Reading!

    And do check mine too here

    Aparajita @Le' Grande Codex

  9. I need to go buy Divergent! Of course I'll need some money for that. :-)
    Check out my STS
