Month9Books Birthday Bash: Abi Ketner & Missy Kalicicki | Halloween in the Hole | Giveaway

Welcome to our stop during the Month9Books Birthday Bash! The full schedule is below and make sure to stick around for the EPIC Giveaway taking place!

Here’s a quick note from Georgia McBride, owner of Month9Books!
“Month9Books is turning 2 this year and I could not be happier. We are living proof that if you have a dream to write, create and inspire, you should follow that dream and let nothing keep you from realizing it. Thank you to all the readers, writers, agents, partners and friends who have made this possible. We write for you. --Georgia McBride, Publisher and Owner of Month9Books”

We have a ton of sequels coming as well as new books from awesome debut authors and we’re so excited to share them all with you! We have something for everyone from every genre from Sci-Fi to Fantasy to Paranormal and Horror!

Here at OUaT, we are thrilled to host Branded authors Abi Ketner & Missy Kalicicki. They created a special Halloween in the Hole post for you all to enjoy.

Halloween in the Hole 
by Abi Ketner & Missy Kalicicki

You’d think in a place like the Hole, Halloween would be a no-brainer, right? I mean lets face it, the Hole could be Halloween every night. There is no shortage of thugs, horrors, and more tricks than treats. But we forget something important: the Commander.

The Commander isn’t a fan of Halloween. He says it promotes the seven deadly sins, especially gluttony and lust, and forbids anyone to celebrate it. And since he’s the biggest monster we know, why dress up and pretend to be him?

Now, the parents old enough to remember the excitement of Halloween find other ways to celebrate. In hushed tones, they sit around fires they’ve build to keep warm, regaling their children with their favorite tales. Huddled close together, they watch as their whispered words light up the eyes of the children they hope will carry on their traditions.

But the difference in many of these stories is the heroes usually win over the terrible demons. The good always triumphs over the evil, and the children are left desiring the hero, the one who slays monsters like the Commander, climbs walls like the Hole, and brings joy to everyone.

While in the Hole, the monster still lives on, in their hearts, they’re free. Yes, Halloween in the Hole is a night of hope, not a night of fear, for one day they hope to rise against the monster who keeps them caged there. That one day the monster will be defeated and somehow their society can be saved.

Yes, the Commander has more than one reason to fear Halloween in the Hole.

BRANDED (Sinners #1)
Author: Abi Ketner & Missy Kalicicki
Release Date: August 19, 2014
Pages: 380
Publisher: Month9Books
Formats: Paperback, eBook

Fifty years ago The Commander came into power and murdered all who opposed him. In his warped mind, the seven deadly sins were the downfall of society.

To punish the guilty, he created the Hole, a place where sinners are branded according to their sins. Sinners are forced to live a less than human existence in deplorable conditions, under the watchful eye of guards who are ready to kill anyone who steps out of line.

Now, LUST wraps around my neck like thick, blue fingers, threatening to choke the life out of me. I’ve been accused of a crime I didn’t commit, and the Hole is my new home.

Constant darkness.

Brutal and savage violence.

Excruciating pain.

Every day is a fight for survival.

But I won’t let them win. I will not die in the Hole.

I am more than my brand. I’m a fighter. My name is Lexi Hamilton, and this is my story.

About Abi and Missy:

Abi Ketner is a registered nurse with a passion for novels, the beaches of St. John, and her Philadelphia Phillies. A talented singer, Abi loves to go running and spend lots of time with her family. She currently resides in Lancaster, Pennsylvania with her husband, triplet daughters and two very spoiled dogs.

Missy Kalicicki has her degree in History from Millersville University. She’s enjoyed working in several different fields from alternative fuels to health care. She’s happily married with two rambunctious boys and two dogs, Buckwheat and Spanky. Her passions include writing, running races, kickboxing, traveling, and trying new things. She remains an avid Cleveland sports fan despite the last twenty years.

Meet the Authors and amazing host Blogs!

All posts will be live on October 31st!

Blog Tour: Redeemed | House of Night | P. C. Cast & Kristin Cast | Excerpt | Goddess Giveaway

Happy Halloween from Once Upon a Twilight!

Welcome to our stop during the REDEEMED blog tour, REDEEMED is the final book in P. C. Cast & Kristin Cast bestselling House of Night series. Today we are excited to share an excerpt and Goddess gift giveaway. 

House of Night #12
Released: October 14th 2014
Publisher: St. Martin's Griffin


The final electrifying installment in the #1 New York Times bestselling vampyre series

Zoey Redbird is in trouble. Having released the Seer Stone to Aphrodite, and surrendered herself to the Tulsa Police, she has isolated herself from her friends and mentors, determined to face the punishment she deserves—even if that means her body will reject the change, and begin to die. Only the love of those closest to her can save her from the Darkness in her spirit; but a terrible evil has emerged from the shadows, more powerful than ever…

Neferet has finally made herself known to mortals. Crowning herself a Dark Goddess, she is evil unleashed and is enslaving the citizens of Tulsa. The vampyres of the House of Night have banded with the police, and are gathering every last resource they have, but they know that no single vampyre is strong enough to vanquish her—unless that vampyre has the power to summon the elements as well as the ability to wield Old Magick. Only Zoey is heir to such power…but because of the consequences of using Old Magick, she is unable to help.

In the final novel in the House of Night series, an epic battle of Light versus Darkness will decide who is redeemed…and who is forever lost.

The House of Night series by P.C. Cast and Kristin Cast is an international phenomenon, reaching #1 on U.S., German, and UK bestseller lists, and remaining a fixture on The New York Times Children’s Series bestseller list for nearly 160 weeks and counting, with more than 12 million copies in print and rights sold in thirty–eight countries to date.

Excerpt from REDEEMED by P. C. Cast & Kristin Cast:
…Neferet beamed a smile at her Dark minions that was both exquisitely beautiful and terrifying. “I have an answer to our dilemma, children! The cage we created to hold Redbird was a weak, pathetic attempt at imprisonment. I have learned so much since that night. I have gained so much power—we have gained so much power. We will not cage people, as if I am a gaoler instead of a goddess. My children, we are going to blanket the very walls of my Temple with your magickal, unbreachable threads so that my new supplicants will be able to worship me unhindered. And that will only be the beginning. As I absorb more and more power, why not encase the entire city? I know it now—I know my destiny. I begin my reign as Goddess of Darkness by making Tulsa my Olympus! Only this is not a weak myth passed down as trite stories from schoolchildren to schoolchildren. This will be reality—a Dark Otherworld come to earth! And in my Dark Otherworld, there will be no innocents being abused by predators. All will be under my protection. I hold their fates in my hands—they have only to look to my welfare to be fulfilled. Ah, how they will worship me!”

Around her, the tendrils writhed in response to her excitement. She smiled and stroked those nearest to her. “Yes, yes, I know. It will be glorious!”

To celebrate the release of REDEEMED, the final book of the House of Night series, the tour host has partnered with some great companies, like Sinful Colors, 21 Drops & Jamberry, as well as some awesome Etsy shops, like Baby Blue Designs & For Strange Women, to put together Goddess Gifts to celebrate some of the most notable characters in the series.

One lucky Once Upon a Twilight reader will have a chance at winning their very own Goddess Gift. Just read the terms and conditions in the rafflecopter before entering below. 

Book Review: Crashland by Sean Williams

Author: Sean Williams
Reading Level: Young Adult
Genre: Science fiction
Release Date: November 4, 2014
Review Source: Balzer + Bray

Where is Q?

Clair and Jesse have barely been reunited when the world is plunged into its biggest crisis since the Water Wars. The d-mat network is broken. The world has ground to a halt. People are trapped, injured, dying. It’s the end of the world as Clair knows it—and it’s partly her fault.

“The girl who killed d-mat” is enlisted to track down her missing friend Q—the rogue AI who repeatedly saved Clair’s life. Q is the key to fixing the system, but she isn’t responding to calls for help, and even if she did...can she be trusted?

Targeted by dupes, abandoned by her friends, caught in a web of lies that strike at the very essence of who she is, Clair finds powerful allies in RADICAL, secretive activists who are the polar opposite of anti-d-mat terrorist group WHOLE. However, if she helps them find Q, will she be inadvertently trapping her friend in a life of servitude—or worse, sending her to an early death by erasure?

Caught between pro- and anti-d-mat philosophies, in a world on the brink of all-out war, Clair must decide where she stands—and who she stands with, at the end.

A TwinMaker Novel, Crashland is book 2 in the series. Unfortunately, I did not read book one of the series, so I was a little lost in the beginning, but I soon caught on to the main storyline of the story. I must say that when a book reads at a slow pace for me, I usually stop, due to my reading schedule and start the next one in line. But a little voice told me to push forward and see what Q, Clair, and Jesse have to offer. They did not disappoint There are some touches of romance here in there, but nothing huge. This book is all about Science Fiction, actions and details. Stopping at the first few chapters would of made me miss out on the action.

On a mission to find Q, in a world that is nolonger the world she once knew, Clair is determined to overcome. With so many obstacles in the way there were moments in the story when I was a bit confused. There really is a lot to soak in. The highlight for me was the ending. Cliff hangers are always great when you know there is more to come. Overall, the writing of the novel does exhibit a well planned and thought out storyline. Fans of Sean Williams will truly enjoy this novel and look forward to book 3 in the series.

Book Blitz: Bad Blood | Nicky Peacock | Excerpt | Giveaway

Bad Blood
Author: Nicky Peacock
Reading Level: Young Adult
Genre: Horror
Released: September 5th 2014


Librarian's note: Alternate cover edition of ASIN B00N3GYIWE.

“I am Britannia. I am your protector. I will fend off the hungry hordes of undead hands that reach toward you. I am your steadfast defender. I will stand between you and the zombie masses as they try to taste your flesh. I am strong, unyielding, and dedicated to your survival. All I ask from you… is your blood.”

A 500 year bloody game of vengeance will need to be put on hold if vampires are to survive the zombie uprising. Bitter enemies, Britannia and Nicholas must work together to save un-infected humans, delivering them to a stronghold in Scotland.

Unable to drink the zombie blood, vampires need humans to stay alive. But will they tell the survivors who they are, and what they want from them? Will Britannia be able to hold back her vengeance? Is survivor Josh the reincarnation of Britannia’s murdered true love? And can she bring herself to deliver him to the safe hold?

Survival instincts run deep, but bad blood can run deeper.


We ran to the hospital. On the way, we encountered hardly anyone, alive or dead. Where were they all? When we arrived at the hospital car park, I understood. Zombies were pack animals. A massive crowd of them were crammed in and around the main building like they were waiting for a concert to start, all barely paying attention to their surroundings and seemingly swaying against the force of gravity. The other thing was the smell. When watching horror films filled with shuffling zombies, the horror came from their ghastly looks—the reminder that death has a tight grip on us all, well, most of us. But what the filmmakers should focus on—if they could—was the acidic rank odor zombies gave off. They had been dead barely twenty-four hours. It took a normal human body at least thirty-six hours to really start to smell, and that was with a vampire’s heightened senses. These guys smelled like they’d been out in the sun for three weeks covered in rubbish and besieged by wily maggots. They were mostly intact, though. Maybe this hospital had been Zombie Ground Zero. Most had turned so quickly their comrades hadn’t had time to feed.
“Maybe we should try a less populated target.” Nicholas twitched his nose and turned away from me to dry retch.
“Maybe you should grow a pair.”
“Maybe you should act like a lady.” He now had his hands on his hips, squaring up for yet another
“Acting like a lady isn’t going to help now, is it? What do you want me to do? Drop my handkerchief in front of the zombies and watch them fight one another to scoop it up for me? Moron!”
“Always to the ‘nth degree with you, isn’t it?”
“Shut up. Look, the doors are holding, and they’re outside, not inside, which means there must be some people left in there alive to have barricaded this place so tight.”
“Or maybe there are just more zombies in there.”
“Well, there’s definitely a blood bank in there, and that’ll help matters no end!”
Nicholas looked thoughtful then nodded. He of course didn’t want to actually say aloud that I’d had a good idea. “So, how do we get past them?”
I assumed it was a rhetorical question, so I started down to the car park entrance, where most of the zombies were mobbing. I opened the outer door as quietly as possible.
“Ladies first,” Nicholas whispered in my ear.
“I thought we’d agreed I wasn’t a lady.” And with that, I shoved him as hard as I could into the throbbing throng of zombies.

I guess I’ve always been a storyteller, not in a ‘liar liar pants on fire’ kind of way, although I do work in advertising! When I was little, kids would crowd around me in the playground and I’d tell them tales of blood soaked horror filled with vampires, werewolves, ghosts and more. Yes, most would consider me a disturbed child, but my playmates couldn’t help themselves, they’d huddle around me every break time like an ancient tribe feeding off the fear; and that’s how I learned that horror stories hold a certain power, no matter what some might say, everyone is addicted to a good scare, especially if it is somewhat rooted safely in unrealistic beings… or are they unrealistic?

Writing was really a natural progression. Right now I’m obsessed with writing: a YA Urban Fantasy novel, a Paranormal Romance novella series, and several short horror stories! So I’m currently living in a functional fiction coma – and loving it!

I’ve so far been published in 5 countries: USA, UK, Australia, Ireland and Canada and had short stories included in 40 anthologies with over 17 publishers.

One lucky winner will receive eBook copies of all 28 books! That's a lot of supernatural Halloween reading featuring: vampires, mermaids, reapers, werewolves, demons, gods, dragons, ghosts, witches, a phoenix and much more! Books included are:

Soul Taken/ Soul Possessed/ Soul Betrayed by Kaitlyn Duncan
Crown of Ice by Vicki L Weavil
Tangled Tides/ Dangerous Depths by Karen Amanda Hooper
Shadows of Fate by Angela Dennis
Divinity by Michelle L Johnson
Call Me Grim by Elizabeth Holloway
Darkness  / Darkness Reigns by L M Justus
The Guardian of Bastet by Jacqueline M Battisti
My Sisters Reaper/ My Tethered Soul by Dorothy Dreyer
Soul Bound/ Soul Deep by Anne Hope
Daughter of Chaos by Jenn McConnel
Wicked Hunger by Delsheree Gladden
Shadow soul/ Shadow Heir by Kaitlyn Davis
Into the Fire by Asheynn Drake
Predator by Janice Gable Bashman
Whispers in the Darkness by Vanessa Barger
A Murder of Magpies by Sarah Bromley
Prayer for the Dead/ Aeonian Kiss by Nicki Scalise
Keeper of the Lost Souls/ Keeper of the Innocent by Kristy Centeno

Movie Review: Before I Go To Sleep

Before I Go To Sleep

Release Date: October 31st 2014
Director: Rowan Joffe
Writers: Rowan Joffe (screenplay), S. J. Watson (novel)
Main Cast: Nicole Kidman, Colin Firth, Mark Strong
Genres: Mystery | Thriller
MPAA Rating: Rated R for some brutal violence and language
Studio: Clarius Entertainment

Official Sites: Web | Facebook | IMDb | Twitter

Synopsis: A taut thriller based on the worldwide best-selling novel by S.J. Watson, BEFORE I GO TO SLEEP is the story of a woman (Nicole Kidman) who wakes up every day with no memory as the result of a traumatic accident in her past. One day, terrifying new truths begin to emerge that make her question everything she thinks she knows about her life - as well as everyone in it, including her doctor (Mark Strong) and even her husband (Colin Firth).

Before I Go to Sleep is a psychological thriller based on the 2011 novel by the same name. The novel is authored by S.J. Watson and has been called a “world-wide bestseller.” The film stars Hollywood heavyweights Nicole Kidman, Colin Firth and Mark Strong. I refer to it as a “psychological thriller” because that is what it is supposed to be, but it is not so much a “thriller” as much as it is a puzzle with all the corners already fit into place. We know what is going to be the end-product, but it is still fun to assemble and we are happy when the finished puzzle looks just like what we thought in the beginning.

In the film, Christine (Kidman) awakens panicked and afraid. She is unfamiliar with her surroundings and her company, a man by the name of Ben (Firth). It is through Ben that Christine learns that she was in a car accident ten years ago and that she is an amnesiac, who has to be reminded every day whom she is married to and what her age is, 40. Her brain re-sets every night. Every morning she wakes thinking she is a graduate student in her twenties. At the moment when Christine begins to accept her predicament, the phone rings. Dr. Nasch (Strong) is calling to remind Christine that he is treating her amnesia. She should find a hidden camera and, then, call him back. Nothing is as it seems.

In order to get the audience to fill-in the gaps of Christine’s memory, it is necessary to flash back and forward repeatedly. Some are traditional flashbacks, while others come across as muddled memories. The effect is easy to follow in this film. It is as if the viewer has a first-person perspective. Viewers see only what Christine sees and know only what Christine knows. My only concern about Christine is that the panic and frenzy from the beginning of the film turns into determination and stoicism. The leap is too fast in a movie that is as short as this is.

That criticism aside, it is not a horrible film. But, the book was probably better. The film comes across as predictable. That is why I referred to is as a semi-complete puzzle. In the first few minutes of the film, everyone knows how it is going to end. But we assemble the puzzle nonetheless. Kidman, Firth and Strong all have solid performances, though not one that would qualify the film as a show stopper or an award-winner. See if for date night or girls’ night. See it because it’s Halloween and you are too afraid of full-blown horror flicks. Or see it because you like puzzles. Just do not expect to be blown away. Before I Go to Sleep opens Friday, October 31st.

Book Blitz: More Than Exes | Elizabeth Briggs | Excerpt | Giveaway

More Than Exes
Chasing the Dreams #0.5
Author: Elizabeth Briggs
Reading Level: New Adult
Genre: Romance
Released: October 28th 2014

Keyboardist Kyle Cross may look like a bad boy with his tattoos and piercings, but he’s really the good guy who’s always stuck fixing his band’s problems and never gets the girl. His band is competing in a college Battle of the Bands, but when their bassist doesn't show, Kyle must track her down with the help of the person he least expects: his ex-girlfriend Alexis Monroe.

Kyle hasn’t seen Alexis since she dumped him in high school, and she’s dropped her preppy image for fiery red hair and a bold new attitude to match. With only hours before his band goes on stage, Kyle has to be a little bad if he wants to win both the Battle and the girl he's never gotten over. But when their old problems resurface, the good guy might just get his heart broken all over again
This is an New Adult romance novel recommended for ages 18+ due to sexual content and mature subject matter.


She rested her hand lightly on mine, like she wasn’t sure if I would pull away. “Kyle, it’s always been you.”
I missed this. The simple things, like holding her hand. The way she flipped her hair over her shoulder. The glint in her green eyes when she laughed at something I said. The freckles on her cute nose peeking out from under her makeup. The softness of her red lips, the delicate curve of her neck, the swell of her breasts…
I looked away, clearing my throat. “Alexis, what do you want from me?”
Her hand tightened around mine. “Three years ago, I made a huge mistake. It killed me to break up with you, and I’ve regretted it ever since. I should have tried to make it work long distance, but I messed up.” Her voice trembled, but she went on. “I know you’ll probably never forgive me for what I did, and I don’t blame you. All I want now is a second chance to try to make it up to you. To do something different this time. To prove I never stopped loving you.”
Her words woke up something within me—a memory of what we used to be and a spark of hope for what we might be again. “I am happy to see you,” I admitted, referring to what she’d said in the car. “But why should I believe anything will be different this time?”
She raised her free hand to my cheek. “Because I’ve changed. I’m not afraid to be who I am anymore. I’m not afraid to fight for what I want. Who I want.”
I wanted, more than anything, to believe her. I leaned into her touch, staring at the girl I had always loved, who said she still loved me. I didn’t take my eyes off her as she trailed her fingers down, along my stubble, tracing my jaw. Her touch was soft but direct, like she was exploring the changes in my face since she’d last seen me. I held completely still. I didn’t blink. I didn’t breathe. If I moved, I’d break the spell over both of us.
Her fingers skimmed down my neck, and she laid her hand against my chest, digging her fingers into my Joy Division T-shirt where it said, Love Will Tear Us Apart. She was already so close, her thigh pressed against mine in the tiny booth, her strawberry-and-spice scent tickling my nose with each breath. Being with her again was so familiar, so comfortable, so right. I couldn’t stop myself from moving closer, resting my hand on the curve of her shoulder, lowering my head to hers. I closed my eyes, savoring that instant before our mouths met, before everything changed between us and there was no going back.

Elizabeth Briggs is a full-time geek who writes books for teens and adults. She plays the guitar, mentors at-risk teens, and volunteers with a dog rescue group. She lives in Los Angeles with her husband and a pack of small, fluffy dogs.

20$ Amazon Gift Card

Rachel Caine’s Morganville: The Series + Exclusive Set Photos!

Morganville: The Series Revitalizes Vampire Genre Just in Time for Halloween. Rachel Caine’s Snarky Vampires Perfect for Geek & Sundry’s October Line-up.

Geek & Sundry: Rachel Caine is adapting her Morganville Vampires books – fifteen (15) total – for a hilarious fright fest of a web series. Each episode of the first season is expected to be 8-12 minutes long, bringing the entire season to about an hour and is freely adapted by Rachel from the first novel – Glass Houses. The first season will begin airing on Geek & Sundry October 27th with a prime schedule planned out… the hope is that the first season finale lands on Halloween day.

Thanks to a passionate fanbase who fully supported the Kickstarter project (and whose funds were then matched by Felicia Day’s Geek & Sundry), Morganville Vampires: Book Series became Morganville: The Series and utilized one of the fastest, most innovative platforms for upcoming shows. Through the expansive reach of Youtube, Rachel’s fans can enjoy the show without the long wait that comes through traditional television and also, reach a worldwide audience faster. All around it made the most sense for a book series of this size and caliber.

Even though web series are seen as non-traditional formats, the casting process and scouting for film locations remains normal. Auditions were held in Dallas, LA, Austin, New Orleans and some digital (to give fans of the books a chance at the spotlight too). Rachel wrote all the character monologues for the auditions. The entire show ended up being filmed on location in Dallas, Texas in four separate venues, including a coffee shop, a turn-of-last-century Victorian home, a hospital, and a university. Nearly every episode ends with Rachel’s infamous cliffhanger endings!

Switching from book to film writing was easier than Rachel expected. The very first thing she did, ended up setting the stage for the adaptation process and made it easier for her to focus on the story she wished to tell. Rachel says, “The first thing I tried to do, since I wrote the book in 2006, was to write down everything I remembered from it without re-reading it. That was fascinating, because what I wrote down was really the core story, and that turned out to be what needed to be told in the show. So while I did go back to the book, I did it for the purposes of review, not inspiration.”

Fans might be wondering how a 10-day- shoot in April 2014 could possibly yield a story they recognize, Rachel is confident the series delivers and explains, “For practical purposes, you can only have so many characters in a show with this running time, so some characters from the novel, while really interesting, ended up not being central to the plot (like Miranda). However, I did think it was important to introduce Myrnin, who is a fan favorite character, into the mix early, so he makes a short appearance this season.”

To find out more, check out these sites for the scoop on Rachel Caine, The Morganville Vampires Books and Morganville: The Series.  

Make sure you check it out!

When freshman college student Claire Danvers arrives in Morganville, a near-death encounter with local mean girls sends her to the Glass House, and the discovery that the town's run by vampires. Making friends with residents Eve, Shane and Michael seems like a survival plan ... but everyone has secrets ...

Blog Tour: My Clarity by M. Clarke + Giveaway


 Still reeling from the death of her father, Alexandria hopes to find both independence and reprieve from her grief by heading off to college. However, life throws her a serious curveball when she discovers that her roommate isn’t quite the person she had imagined. Smoking, tattoos, and street racing for fast cash are Elijah’s only interests. A harsh life has made him apathetic and indifferent, until Alexandria enters his life. When their paths cross, turmoil abounds. An inevitable encounter, an undeniable attraction, and an unexpected chance at love—will it be enough? 

This is a New Adult romance novel recommended for ages 18+ due to sexual content and mature subject matter.


International Bestselling Author Mary Ting/M. Clarke resides in Southern California with her husband and two children. She enjoys oil painting and making jewelry. Writing her first novel, Crossroads Saga, happened by chance. It was a way to grieve the death of her beloved grandmother, and inspired by a dream she once had as a young girl. When she started reading new adult novels, she fell in love with the genre. It was the reason she had to write one-Something Great. Why the pen name, M Clarke? She tours with Magic Johnson Foundation to promote literacy and her children's chapter book-No Bullies Allowed.



*Signed Paperback & Swag (US) or $15 Amazon Gift Card (INTL) *

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