Author: Phil Robertson with Mark Schlabach
Reading Level: Adult
Genre: Non-Fiction | Christian | Inspirational
Released: September 2nd 2014
Review Source: Purchased

The beloved patriarch of A&E’s® Duck Dynasty® series, Phil Robertson, shares his thoughtful—and opinionated—philosophy on life.
In Phil Robertson’s #1 New York Times bestseller, Happy, Happy, Happy, we learned about Phil’s colorful past and the wild road to becoming the beloved patriarch of A&E’s smash hit show, Duck Dynasty. Now, he returns to share his philosophy on life, which can be summed up in five short words. Love God, love your neighbor.
In this inspirational and entertaining book, you will learn what makes Phil Robertson tick. Robertson shares his views on faith—and how it has totally changed his way of life and how he treats others; family—how he raised his kids and is raising grandkids while teaching them the life principles he lives by; ducks—and the business principles that started the Duck Commander empire; marriage—including what he’s learned from his own marriage; and of course, his opinions on controversial topics like gun control, taxes, prayer in school, and the government.
UnPHILtered is the ultimate guide to everything Phil Robertson believes in. Balancing his sometimes off-the-wall comments with his strong focus on home and family life, it is sure to spark discussion, laughs, and a sincere appreciation for Phil’s unique approach to life.
Phil Robertson is one of the stars of the hugely successful show on A&E, Duck Dynasty. On the show we get a peek into what the days are like being a part of America’s favorite redneck family. Mostly funny, always entertaining and Hey! there is no denying this family has some strong beliefs about hunting, food, family, the state of the world today and God.
It is clear to me that this is all due to the core values that Phil Robertson lives by and has shared with his family, friends and anyone else who seeks out his words.
There is no mistaking that Phil is a Godly man. He shares with us in this book how he was lost before, was a doubter of the bible “thumpers” and what happened in his life to turn all of this around. Some of you may be aware of the controversy that surrounded Phil last year after an interview for GQ magazine. Let me say that if you were offended by any of that, this is not the book for you. I wanted to know what the bid deal was surrounding Phil and what he said. I wanted to know why so many people were offended by the words he was quoting from the Bible. UnPHILtered covered that story and so much more.
When I was done listening I wanted to go out and have everyone I know take a listen. All of Phil’s solutions offered up for how to get America back on its feet revolve around love of two things, Love GOD and Love your neighbor. It seems pretty simple. You will either love this book or hate it. Personally, I loved it.
The topics are not to be taken lightly… guns, homosexuality, religion, politics and God. Whether you agree or disagree with all or some of Phil’s solutions, at the very least this book will get people talking and hopefully thinking. While I would not recommend this book for younger readers, I absolutely would recommend this book to teenagers and all adults. Love God, Love your neighbor.
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