21 November 2014

Book Review: Captivated by You by Sylvia Day

Captivated by You
Crossfire #4
Author: Sylvia Day
Reading Level: Adult Fiction
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Released: 18th November 2014
Review Source: Purchased (UK Edition)

Gideon calls me his angel, but he's the miracle in my life. My gorgeous, wounded warrior, so determined to slay my demons while refusing to face his own.

The vows we'd exchanged should have bound us tighter than blood and flesh. Instead they opened old wounds, exposed pain and insecurities, and lured bitter enemies out of the shadows. I felt him slipping from my grasp, my greatest fears becoming my reality, my love tested in ways I wasn't sure I was strong enough to bear.

At the brightest time in our lives, the darkness of his past encroached and threatened everything we'd worked so hard for. We faced a terrible choice: the familiar safety of the lives we'd had before each other or the fight for a future that suddenly seemed an impossible and hopeless dream...

I expected amazing, I got perfection.

Sylvia Day never fails to lure me in and captivate my attention. Captivated by You was one of, if not, the best book in the series so far.  It was obvious the first 3 instalments primarily focused on fixing Eva, but now it’s Gideon’s turn. He has his own demons to conquer and Captivated by You made my heart hurt for Gideon. His personal nightmare worsened, and Eva nearly hits breaking point as Gideon shuts her out at every turn. And guys, we got a lot of Gideon’s point of view!

Note: I read this book, whereas I’ve previously listened to the last 3, but I would definitely recommend the audiobooks. Personally I think they added to my enjoyment of the novels.

Reasons why I loved this book:

- The interactions. We got to see deeper into Gideon’s social life. We were introduced to some  friends of his and got to know others better. There was even a moment where Eva’s and Gideon’s friends collided and had a night out. I absolutely loved seeing their interactions together. Don’t get me wrong, I love Eva and Gideon private moments, but seeing everyone together was so nice.

- There’s still a million things needing tied up in this series (which we have 2 more books for) but we got some answers in Captivated by You, people! Obviously to avoid spoilers I won’t say what, but one was a “Well, damn, that was you” moment and the other was a complete “I’m so glad that happened, it needed to happen, and I could cry with joy” and a particular persons reaction made me cry. It was heartbreaking but relieving. 

- I could sit and point out everything, but I'll sum it up in one word: Gideon. The fact we got to know and understand him better, get to see into his life while Eva wasn't there, was amazing. I loved every second. 

Here is what the US edition of Captivated by You:

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