29 November 2014

Book Review: Gideon Lee by Lisa Orchard + Giveaway

Gideon Lee
The Starlight Chronicles
Author: Lisa Orchard
Reading Level: Young Adult
Genre: Realistic Fiction
Released: October 19, 2014
Review Source: Author

Lark Singer’s relationship with her mother is prickly to say the least. As she enters a musical competition that could launch her career, Lark also searches for answers her mother would rather keep hidden. Throw into the mix the fact her best friend Bean has been acting strangely, and Lark finds herself launched into uncharted territory. Will her quest for answers sabotage her musical aspirations?

Troubled teen.  Mother by first name only.  Fatherless.  Very few friends.   Talented.  Committed to her passion.  Committed to her love of music.  This is Lark’s world.  This is Lark’s story.  She lives a life of stressful situations.  School cliques that she is not a member of.  But what is close to her heart is her Gibson guitar, Stevie and especially Bean.  Her partners  in the realm of music.  Music is what they make when life appears rough.  Music makes the troubles disappear, even if only for a few moments.  With each page there are secrets.  Secrets being held strongly by characters that are bound to never let them go.  Lark is determined to find out about the identity of her father and find out what is truly troubling her close friend Bean.  With all that is going on, the tight group sticks together, preparing to play their music for all to hear.

Gideon Lee is a story about identity and discovery.  Author Lisa Orchard creates a story that is filled with mystery, along with hints of pure emotion.  The writing is descriptive throughout.  Although I understand why Gideon Lee is important to the main character Lark, I must admit, that his role as the overall title was a bit misleading.  I hoped that there would be more storyline regarding him.  Maybe there will be more of a connection in the next novel of the series. 
Nevertheless, Ms. Orchard has created a character that pulls you in to the life of Lark.  Wanting to know if she makes it in life.  Does life get better?  Does music change her forever?   This is a new series that surely will be one to hold on to until the very end.     

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Music for me is powerful because it connects people, speaks tales of life and more! Thank you for the giveaway!

  2. Christina R. in the rafflecopter

    I love music, and I believe it's powerful because it can affect people differently depending on what's going on in their lives, it can be interpreted on a personal level, and gains personal meaning based on who listens to it!

    thank you so very much :)

  3. It cuts across cultures, age, etc. It speaks to you like most books do.

  4. What's powerful about music to me is it's ability to connect with the listener. Country and Classic R&B really makes me sit and listen to the words. I get so emotional listening to a lot of songs, but So Small by Carrie Underwood best describes my disposition at times.

  5. Music is about feelings it can make you happy or sad and also trigger memories. I will forever associate ManĂ¡ and Authority Zero with moving into the dorms freshman year at ASU. The Killers remind me of 3 am drives to Quick Trip with my best friend and that awful Thong song by Cisco the summer before my freshman year in high school. Dos Botellas de Mezcal and El Columpio were my parents favorite songs and always make me think of my dad. *sigh* Music is powerful.

  6. Music can just always cheer me up when I'm having a bad day!

  7. Music that moves people like gospel music and marching type.
