12 November 2014

Book Review: Risking it all for Love by Kimberley Montpetit

Risking it all for Love
A Christmas in Snow Valley Romance
Author: Kimberley Montpetit
Reading Level: Young Adult
Genre: Holiday | Romance
Released: October 15th 2014
Review Source: Spellbound Books

Clean Romance with a humorous bite!

Ever since her high school boyfriend's death from a car accident three years earlier, Jessica Mason and her hometown of Snow Valley, Montana with all its awful memories have NOT been compatible. Running away to New Orleans on a ballet scholarship, Jessica cringes when she thinks about confronting Pastor John and the community church--she doesn't want to talk about God, not after He took Michael, the boy she was going to marry ever since third grade.

In the local scene of funky New Orleans, Jessica seeks out Madame LaBlanc, hoping Michael will absolve her of her guilt the night of the car accident in a seance, but the spirit world is silent and she fears the grief will drown her.

Finally succumbing to family pressure, Jessica reluctantly returns for Christmas - and the little town of Snow Valley does Christmas BIG. When she visits Michael’s grave in the church yard, Jessica is shocked to meet handsome James Douglas, Pastor John’s nephew, who’s studying for the ministry. No, she is NOT going to be attracted to someone who wants to be a preacher! Definitely not compatible! But James Douglas is unlike any minister-in-training she's ever met. James can not only dish back Jessica’s finely-tuned sarcasm but understands grief all too well, turning Jessica’s world upside down.

Can Jessica forgive herself for that terrible, fateful night? Can she take another risk on love?

A fast-paced romance with humor, family dynamics, Christmas, and kissing.

Risking it all for Love was such a cute novella, I enjoyed every page. Jessica Mason is returning to her hometown after three years of avoiding it. When she was in high school her and her boyfriend got into a car accident and he unfortunately didn’t make it. Jessica’s been carrying around the guilt of his death ever since and hasn’t been able to face the town again, she’s lost all faith. While visiting Michael’s grave she meets and then runs away from the Pastor’s nephew, James Douglas.

Jessica and Michael were best friends ever since third grade, they were meant to get married and have a forever life together. So when he died young she lost all faith in the church and God, why would he take someone like Michael away, why would he take him away so young? She thought running away would change things, but they haven’t, she harbors so much guilt it’s ruining her. Ever since she set eyes on those crazy intense blue eyes of James Douglas her world begins to shift, he helps her realize everything isn’t her fault, she can’t hold onto the guilt forever.

Risking it all for Love covers it all; love, forgiveness, redemption, and much needed growth. It was beautiful written and there was a perfect balance between everything, there wasn’t too much sadness that it was overwhelming and it wasn’t just focused on her redemption, perfect balance. Why wouldn’t you want to read this? It’s cute, it’s short, and just truly a lovely story.

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