16 November 2014

Stacking the Shelves: 11/16/14

Stacking the Shelves is hosted by Tynga's Reviews

For Review (physical copies):

For Review (NetGalley, Edelweiss, eBooks, Audiobooks, ext...)


Current Giveaways: (Click pictures to go to giveaway post): 


  1. Amazing stack this week! I will be adding a few of these to my TBR on Goodreads :) I hope you enjoy!
    Check out My STS

  2. Great haul! Great haul! Aw, I want to read The Witches of Echo Park.

    Thanks for stopping by!

  3. Wooow!! What a lot of books!! I am sooo jealous.
    I hope you enjoy reading all of them.
    And thx for your comment on my sts =)

  4. I'm excited for so many of these!! Especially Orphan Queen, Love Lucy, & Of Scars and Stardust!! Great haul this week!

  5. Great books! I'm dying to finish The Orphan Queen. Those few chapters from Edelweiss wasn't enough. LOL!

  6. Vicious! I can't wait to see how the PLL series ends.

  7. Can't wait for Half Lies! Awesome group of books. Enjoy! Thanks for visiting.

  8. THE ORPHAN QUEEN, Seriously adore that cover, I didn't like her New souls series, only read the first one but wasn't for me I guess, so can't wait for this though! I finished Half Lies yesterday, wasn't what I was expecting, but a quick novella, so it done it's job. :)

  9. Awesome stack of books. I so love the cover for The Orphan Queen. The Orphan Queen looks amazing indeed. Great choices of books.

    Grace @ Books of Love

  10. Really like your stack of books :D There are plenty of them that I want to read and I hope you'll enjoy them :)

  11. Wow. You got a lot of great books. The Temp sounds amazing. I can't wait to read it.
    Kristin @ Book Sniffers Anonymous

  12. OOH, THE ORPHAN QUEEN, drools!!! I can't WAIT to read that book!! I'm keeping my fingers crossed that I get a copy!! I hope you enjoy all your new goodies!

    Thanks for stopping by my STS @ Addicted Readers! :)

  13. Awesome haul!!! Enjoy your reads!

    <a href="http://booksmoviesreviewsohmy.com>Books, Movies, Reviews. Oh my!</a>

  14. Ahhhh Little Peach. I'm jealous! I cannot wait to read that one. Enjoy them all! My STS

  15. Wow! That's a lot of books. You're set up for a couple of weeks now.

  16. WoW!! You picked up a ton of books. Love, Lucy looks really cute.

    I hope you enjoy all of your new books and thanks for stopping by my STS!!

  17. I got Half Lies yesterday :) I've heard really great things about Little Peach. You got I Was Here, I can't wait to read it :) Happy reading and Thanks for stopping by!
