11 November 2014

Top Ten Tuesday: Top Ten Characters You Wish Would Get Their OWN Book

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the Bookish.

Top Ten Characters You Wish Would Get Their OWN Book (minor or just maybe a semi main character you wish a book was from their POV)

One of my favorite characters in the whole Rosemary Beach series has been Jimmy, the server at the Kerrington Club. He's always great with the girls, telling them what they need to hear, and he's got sass I'd never get tired off.

Simon. Simon, Simon, Simon. I have always had a crush on him, he's been my favorite since the beginning. I'd love to see how he's doing 10 years from end of City of Heavenly Fire

I want more Eddie. I know we get a lot more of him in the Bloodlines series, but I just want more. I want in his head, I want to see him get his happy ending, but I want to see it from his point of view. Not as an outsider.

Kenji. Need I say more?

I'd really like to see Archer before Katy, Daemon, and Dee. I want to know about his past, what he went through, what he saw. 

Gatsby. A man of many faces, following Nick's character in the book makes it difficult to know who the real Gatsby is. I believe he's the sweet, caring man in love with Daisy. But I think it'd be nice to see what actually goes through his mind sometimes.

Voldemort. I mean come on...one of the most famous villains. Who wouldn't want to hear his side of the story?

Alaska. Don't get me wrong, I love pudge! But Alaska is so complex, and I think for those who've read the book there's one question we all want answered.

Augustus Waters. We all love Gus, and we all have many feels when it comes to this book. But I want Gus' side to this whole story. I want to know his thoughts and feelings--although I'm sure that'd tear me up worse than the original book, but it's still be nice.

Finnick, how could anyone not love Finnick? I would want a book from his point of view from before he met Katniss. Just so I could hear some of his secrets.


  1. YES! I have Alaska on my list too! I would also totally read a book by Voldemort. Like, what really sparked his wickedness? Finnick too..oh I love Finnick. I cry for Finnick. I almost put him on my list and then switched to Johanna Mason because she is SO complex and just so messed up and crushed. And whyyyy doesn't she have anyone to love anymore? What did the capitol do to her?!! She's so dynamic and kind of psychotic. I WANT HER BOOK SO BADLY.
    Kenji...omg. You do not need to say more.
    Here's my TTT!

  2. The Great Gatsby from his point of view would make such a great read! Love the idea. :)

  3. Bri, I love your picks. I would read all of those books. Shannon, I agree about Eddie. I would really like to hear his POV.

  4. Voldemort?! This is the first list that I've seen with him as a choice and I can't imagine why no one else thought of it! He is such a fascinating character! I would love to know more about him! Thanks for sharing :)

    Here are my Top Ten!

  5. I did like Simon....but Jace will always be my number one in that series!!

  6. I almost picked Simon too! Gatsby and Voldemort are great choices as well!

  7. Oh. I've never read any of those book but they seem great!


  8. I like the idea of a book about Simon, it would be great to see things from his perspective. Kenji and Finnick would be good reads as well. My TTT

  9. KENJI! YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS, his character was so incredibly awesome. I love, love, love his sense of humor! I also agree with Augustus. He was on my list :DD

    Amber @ bookish wonders: TTT

  10. Voldemort! Good one! I chose a different Hunger Games character, but I'd definitely read a Finnick book. Great list!

    Michelle @ Michelle's Minions

    My TTT

  11. You should be happy to know that there will be a novella series about Simon becoming a Shadow Hunter. :)

    I'm excited for this.

  12. Voldemort? Never would have thought of that but it is an interesting concept! :)

  13. Lots of Finnicks today!

    Voldemort... You know, I didn't think of that, but it would be an interesting read!

  14. Love the idea of reading Finnick's story and learning the secrets! I chose Haymitch from the Hunger Games. Here is my TTT

  15. Great list! I definitely would love to see a book that stars Voldemort and Augustus Waters!
