14 November 2014

Win a Basket of Books for Your Library!

The lovely Martina Boone is hosting a giveaway to benefit twenty underfunded libraries or school libraries. Please help by nominating your favorite library or school. Spread the love :)

Here is the information:

Want to win a basket of best-selling books for your school or library? I’ve been getting requests for donations of Compulsion, and with the holiday season coming up, I’ve decided the best present I can give myself is to give something back to schools, teachers, libraries, and librarians. Without them, Compulsionwould not exist.

If you know an underfunded school or library that could use a little help, please nominate them using the form below.

On December 15th, I’ll choose twenty (20) schools or libraries from the nominations, and mail them each a basket of six (6) popular books in time for the holidays. : )

Please help by getting the word out! And if you’d like to donate books, let me know. I’d love to be able to get more baskets sent out to even more schools and libraries!

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