Read First Three Chapters of #TheRubyCircle #Bloodlines fans! #LoveWillConquerAll

To celebrate the final book in the Bloodlines series Penguin Teen is giving us, THE FANS, the opportunity to unlock exclusive content including signed books, chapter reveals and a grand prize! HOW FREAKING EXCITING!

You can now read the first THREE chapters of The Ruby Circle!

Chapters 1‑3

500 uses of the hashtag #LoveWillConquerAll unlocks chapters 1-3
Read Now!

Make sure you keep using the hash tag to continue unlocking these exclusive content!


  1. I saw this on Twitter and I got so excited!! Thanks for sharing it :)

  2. As much as I want to give in and read the 3 chapters, I shall hold on till the release of the book. Last time it drove me nuts till the book was actually in my hands.


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