Anathema #1
Author: Lana Grayson
Reading Level: Adult
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Released: November 28th, 2014
Review Source: Tika Lake Publishing | Netgalley

The only thing more dangerous than the Anathema MC is the club’s president.
For twenty-one years, Rose Darnell’s family dedicated their lives to the Anathema MC. For twenty-one years, she’s searched for a way out.
Bound to a world of bloodied knuckles and drug money, Rose believes her musical talent will rescue her from an abusive father and overbearing brothers. A chance audition and promising gig would free Rose from the outlaw 1%, but her brothers won’t let her escape the club’s shadow.
A rival chapter threatens Rose, and only Anathema’s president, Thorne Radek, can protect her.
A traitor lurks within Anathema’s brotherhood, and Thorne will burn the world to scorch the rat. When an innocent diva with baby-bunny eyes and dark secrets needs his help, Thorne offers his protection and is rewarded with the ultimate bait. He may be the only man to distract Rose from her music, but helping him find the traitor will damn more than the club.
It will tear her family apart.
This is the first motorcycle novel I’ve picked up in the better part of a year. You know, I’d discovered all the good ones and I was left with the ones which didn’t quite do it for me. I was disheartened from the genre. I thought ‘why not?’ when I saw Warlord and decided to give it a go.
Rose wants nothing to do with the tainted life she left a long time ago, the life she lived with her family in a motorcycle club. Her father was violent--now locked behind bars--and her brothers too overbearing to live with, who’ve now climbed the ladder of power since she left. All she wants is the musical career she’s always dreamed of but has never quite reached, and with a rivaling gang who seems to be after her, her career will have to wait that little bit longer.
Warlord was a good book. The main character’s (Rose and Thorne) were good to read—I guess you could say that every rose has it’s thorn...see what I did there?—not going to lie, they had pretty typical characteristics for an MC book, and I found the outcome predictable, which is why I couldn’t rate the book any higher...but there was still something which made the book different for me, though I can't quite put my finger on it, and it pulled me in and kept my attention throughout.
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