
Cover Reveal: This Much Space by KK Hendin + Giveaway

We are excited to share the cover of KK Hendin's This Much Space!! 
This is the second book in the Twelve Beats in a Bar Series!!

Olivia is Anna Wintour’s worst nightmare, and she doesn’t give a shit. She’s wanted to go into fashion design her whole life, and nothing is going to stop her fabulous plus sized self. Not even her boss from hell, or the fact that she’s the fat Cinderella of the most exclusive lingerie store in Bushwick, Ohio. She’s sworn off dating, because she is focused, dammit, and will not get distracted by anyone in college. She has shit to do and places to go, be it on her own with the clothing she makes, or with the girls in Twelve Beats In A Bar, the all-female a cappella group she’s part of.

Why do group projects always have to ruin everything?

Thierry Acosta has it all. Shortstop on Bushwick University’s baseball team, amazing grades in college, everything he could want. When he gets paired with Olivia for a group project, things are only getting better. And then his dad loses his job, and Thierry’s life falls apart. He can’t manage to get himself to practice, to class… anywhere. He’s got the scars on his wrists to prove that this has happened before, but he thought he was better. He thought he could deal with something like this. The cuts on his thighs say otherwise.

Author's Note:

Authors have a funny relationship with their characters. We spend so many hours inside their heads, so many hours just thinking about the characters we write. We do hours of research to make sure the characters we write are honest and correctly portray the kind of person we want them to.

After spending hours and hours with my characters, and doing research about people going through the same situations as they are, I'm always left wanting to do something. Writing the book is a way to bring attention to different issues, but it never feels like enough for me.

While writing THIS MUCH SPACE, I spent a lot of time researching depression and self-harm, and while I will always and forever link to organizations that can help people struggling, and will offer whatever emotional support I can....I wanted to do more.

To Write Love on Her Arms is a non-profit movement dedicated to presenting hope and finding help for people struggling with depression, addiction, self-injury, and suicide. TWLOHA exists to encourage, inform, inspire, and invest directly into treatment and recovery. You can find out more about them atTWLOHA.com. I am thrilled to announce that for every Goodreads add of THIS MUCH SPACE, I will donate money to TWLOHA.
I hope that THIS MUCH SPACE will help you look at those who are suffering with compassion and love, and I'm so excited for you to meet Olivia and Thierry. 

Much Love,

Author's Bio:
KK Hendin’s real life ambition is to become a pink fluffy unicorn who dances with rainbows. But the schooling for that is all sorts of complicated, so until that gets sorted out, she’ll just write. Preferably things with angst and love. And things that require chocolate. She’s the author of the NA contemporaries HEART BREATHS and ONLY THE GOOD DIE YOUNG.

THIS MUCH SPACE is the second book in her new series, TWELVE BEATS IN A BAR.

KK spends way too much time on Twitter (where she can be found as @kkhendin), and rambles on occasion over at www.kkhendinwrites.blogspot.com.

The winner will receive a SIGNED copy of COME BACK TO TEXAS, and A DIFFERENT KIND OF FINE, along with an ARC of THIS MUCH SPACE, a $25 Victoria's Secret Gift Card, and a shirt from 'To Write Love on Her Arms' http://store.twloha.com/ US Only. 

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. wow... I would love to start reading these...

  2. I am so glad that books are written about Love of the bigger women. I think no matter what or who you are everybody should have love.

  3. These books sound really interesting. I'd love to win them! Thank you for this opportunity to learn about them and possibly win them!


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