The Forgetting
Author: Nicole Maggi
Reading Level: Young Adult
Genre: Mystery | Contemporary Romance
Release Date: February 3rd 2015
Review Source: Sourcebooks Fire

Georgie's new heart saved her life...but now she's losing her mind.
Georgie Kendrick wakes up after a heart transplant, but the organ beating in her chest doesn't seem to be in tune with the rest of her body. Why does she have a sudden urge for strawberries when she's been allergic for years? Why can't she remember last Christmas?
Driven to find her donor, Georgie discovers her heart belonged to a girl her own age who fell out of the foster care system and into a rough life on the streets. Everyone thinks she committed suicide, but Georgie is compelled to find the truth - before she loses herself completely.
I love the premise of this novel. It sounds so intriguing, almost like she wakes up as a completely different person. I am curious to see where the author is going with this idea!