
From Arrow to Doctor Who @FLSupercon has everything for you!

Hey guys do we have some news for you! I have a bit of good and bad so I'll hit you with the good first. Do we have any Arrow fans? If you've been keeping up to date with the guest list than you know Manu Bennett (Slade Wilson aka Deathstroke) was already going to the con. Well it looks like another villain has decided to join the fun and not just any villain either. Matthew Nable, Ra’s Al Ghul himself will be at this years Florida Supercon! I'm kind of excited about this since I missed Manu the last time he was here and you have to admit he was a pretty awesome Slade. Season 2 of Arrow is still my favorite. ;)

Matt Nable will be appearing Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. Manu Bennett will be appearing on Thursday and Friday only! Don't miss meeting both of them together of Friday, June 26. Both Matt and Manu will be signing autographs and taking part in professional photo ops (8×10 glossy photos printed on site) for a fee. They will both be taking part in a Q&A open to all attendees. PRE-ORDER your Photo Ops at https://register.growtix.com/e/florida_supercon_2015/479.

Now on to a very familiar face, Mr. Michael Welch (Mike Newton! You may also know him as Mack Thompson in Z Nation), has also been added to the con! I have con to many cons where he has attended and let me tell you his Q&A's are always my favorite thing. He is beyond funny and such a humble character. Michael will be appearing in support of the The Significance Series, part of the Geek Film Festival. Michael will be attending all 4 days, Thursday thru Sunday to meet with fans. If you happen to be at the con I highly recommend stopping by to see him you won't regret it!

The latest major additions are WWE® Superstar Daniel Bryan®, WWE® Diva Paige™, and WWE® Superstar Kane®. You read that right! A couple of friends of mine are pretty excited about this bit of news. Let's just say that VIP experience is a must for Daniel Bryan. For more information on that go to https://register.growtix.com/e/florida_supercon_2015/479 to purchase autograph, photo op, and VIP Experience Tickets.

Now I need a moment before I give you guys this news. Have to mentally prepare myself for it.

For the not bad, but sad news. My beloved Billie Piper (ROSE!!!!!) and Shawn Ashmore have had to cancel their appearance at Florida Supercon due to filming commitments. This makes me such a sad panda because I recently got into Doctor Who (Yes, I know I'm like 2836283 years late.) and season two broke me. So many tears were shed. No lie. Who would've thought I'd get so many feels from a really odd, weird and somehow amazing show? 

Something good does follow that bit though..... Are you ready? Karen Gillan will be appearing that Sunday!!! Here's a bit from Supercon if you have already bought a Saturday pass. 

"For any Doctor Who fans who have a Saturday ticket, and would like to change to Sunday to see Karen Gillan, we have had our ticketing company work out an option to handle the change in ticket. To do this, go to your email confirmation, click "View your order online." On the next screen, select "Click to customize and print your tickets."

For more information regarding everything and purchasing tickets head on over to www.floridasupercon.com!

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