14 July 2015

Top Ten Tuesday: Last Ten Books That Came Into My Possession

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the Bookish.

Last Ten Books That Came Into My Possession

Enter for a chance to win an ARC copy of Six of Crows! Open INT!


  1. Finished Jennifer Smith's book this morning. Really cute in a bittersweet, but mostly "upbeat" kind of way. (Yeah, if that makes any sense! ;D)

  2. I'm drooling over Six of Crows. That one sounds so good! Truthwitch too! Anything with the word "witch" in it and I'm interested. LOL Black Widow is on my wish list already.

    Ugh! Why are you tempting me? Now I want Carson's book too. And Dangerous Lies. Stop (no, not really)!

    I hope you enjoy your new books. :-)

  3. So many gorgeous new books! Everyone is raving about Six of Crows and Truthwitch. Riders looks epic too. Enjoy all your new arrivals!

  4. I am doing a naughty here and judging by the covers but all of these look truly exciting to read! I hope you enjoy them!

  5. I've seen several of the lists have the ARC for Six of Crows. Is it good?

  6. I am really looking forward to Six of Crows! It looks amazing. I hope that you enjoy these books! :-) I have to agree, they all look fantastic! My TTT!

  7. Hello goodbye and everything in between I want so bad. I love Jennifer's books.

    Megan @ http://readingawaythedays.blogspot.co.uk

  8. Six of Crows, Riders and Truthwitch!!! You're so lucky! Awesome selection of books!

    Michelle @ Michelle's Minions

    My TTT

  9. I cannot wait for Rae Carson's new book and Truthwitch has been getting a lot of buzz lately. Hope these end up being amazing!

  10. I'm really excited for Truthwitch!! Riders and Walk on Earth a Stranger also look like amazing reads. I'm planning to finish Six of Crows today. I've been having fun with that one. :)

  11. I want to read Nightfall so badly! Same with Dangerous lies. They both sound so good!
    Krystianna @ Downright Dystopian

  12. Wow great books!! So jealous you have Stand Off!!! I can't wait for that book :) Thanks for stopping by my blog!

  13. Ooh, so many good ones! TRUTHWITCH! (Color me jealous.) I'm super excited about Walk on Earth a Stranger and Six of Crows, too, TBH.
