08 July 2015

Win #SixofCrows by @lbardugo !

Here is one EPIC giveaway! A copy of Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo! YES, AN ARC COPY OF SIX OF CROWS! We love our readers but I have to be honest with you all, Matthias is already taken by ME! So hands off! Anyways, here is your chance to win a copy! All you have to do is RT & Follow us on Twitter - @twilightsdance! Open INTERNATIONAL. Winner will be announce 7/19. Go!


  1. Thank you for the chance and for the awesome giveaway!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. You`re a goddess! That is my most anticipated book of THE YEAR! Thank you, thank you, thank you for this giveaway!

    Oh my, I thought Matthias is going to be awesome the moment I read from his POV in the teaser excerpts! But I love Kaz. I LOVE ME SOME TORTURED BOYS!

    The maps in the background look magestic! They are so beautifully crafted! You`ve got a taste in books, I tell you! :P :D

    Also, you are a TwiHard? That is so amazing! All the people I meet bash the Twilight books like crazy, I am so happy there are still people who keep the love! ;)

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I'm so excited to read this book! Thanks for doing this giveaway :)
