27 August 2015

Blog Tour: Heart-Shaped Hack by Tracey Garvis-Graves | Giveaway & Excerpt

Heart-Shaped Hack
Kate & Ian #1
Author: Tracey Garvis Graves
Reading Level: Adult
Genres: Contemporary Romance | Chick Lit
Review Source: Blog Tour
When Kate Watts abandoned her law career to open a food pantry in Northeast Minneapolis, she never dreamed it would be this difficult. Facing the heartbreaking prospect of turning hungry people away, she is grateful for the anonymous donations that begin appearing at the end of each month. Determined to identify and thank her secret benefactor, she launches a plan and catches Ian —a charismatic hacker with a Robin Hood complex—in the act.

Ian intrigues Kate in a way no man ever has. But after learning he’s snooped around on her personal computer, she demands retribution. Impressed with her tolerance and captivated by her spirit, he complies and begins to slowly charm his way past her defenses. Time spent with Ian is never boring, and Kate soon finds herself falling for the mysterious hacker.

But Ian has enemies and they’re growing restless. In the hacking world, exploiting a target’s weakness is paramount, and no price is too high to stop an attack. And when Kate learns exactly how much Ian has paid, she’ll discover just how strong her love is for the man who has hacked his way into her heart.

Where do I begin because truly I loved everything about this book. From the beautiful cover to the storyline and its fantastic characters that had the best chemistry. It safe to assume that I would like the book, I have yet to read a book written by Tracey that I didn't love. It all started with On the Island and now Heart-Shaped Hack joins the crowd. This is an author I have as auto-buy, they wrote it, I buy it.

Heart-Shaped Hack is a story that is about Kate and Ian. Kate used to be this high-shot lawyer and gave it all up to open a food bank to feed those in need. Trouble with a place like that is the money that keeps it afloat. Kate and the food bank survive off food and monetary donations and right now everything is looking very low. That is until a unanimous person donates a large cash donation. Kate is set on finding out who this person is so she can thank them personally. Cue in Ian, probably not who Kate expected and definitely wasn't expecting the resources Ian uses to obtain his money. Kate is now on the fence if everything is legal or not and maybe she shouldn't accept more donations from Ian. One thing I will tell you, Ian is a hard man to ignore and he will make sure that you can't ignore or avoid him. 

Will a ex-lawyer and smart hacker make a good duo? You'll have to find out where things lead too. Will Kate continue to accept the donations so that the food bank can survive or will she turn around and tell Ian no. What measures will Ian take to get on Kate's radar not just for business reason but personal reasons too. Can a romance begin here or will it crash like a computer? Grab your copy of Heart-Shaped Hack and find out for yourselves.

I highly recommend this book along with all of the other books written by Tracey. You will not be disappointed. I can't wait to read more about these two and see where Tracey takes the story next. 

Here's an excerpt from Heart-Shaped Hack:

She turned the corner onto her street, then stopped short when she saw a flash of blue. Ian’s car was parked at the curb, and he was leaning up against it, smiling. 

Her Sunday had just gotten a whole lot more interesting. 

She walked up to him. “Are you ever not smiling?”

“Why wouldn’t I be smiling? It’s awesome being me.” 

“Been waiting long?”

“About an hour. I’d almost given up on you.”

“I was at brunch with the girls.”

He checked her out, not bothering to hide the way his gaze traveled slowly from her head to her feet. “You look amazing. I am fascinated by those boots.” 

Kate unbelted her trench coat. “What about my sweater? A friend bought several of them for me.” 

“It’s very nice, and that is an excellent color on you. What else did this friend buy you?”

“He bought me some pajamas. I love them.” 

“He thought you might. Was there anything else?”

“There was a black babydoll nightie.” 

“Did it fit?”

“It fit perfectly. I’m going to save it for a special evening should there be one in my future.” 

“Oh there will be, Katie. He’ll make sure of it.” He opened the passenger door. “I was wondering if you have plans for the rest of the day.” 

Kate got in, and after Ian closed the door, he walked around to the driver’s side and slid behind the wheel. 

“That depends,” she said. “What did you have in mind?”

He started the car. “You’ll see.”

Tracey Garvis Graves is a New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and USA Today bestselling author. Her debut novel, On the Island, spent 9 weeks on the New York Times bestseller list, has been translated into twenty-seven languages, and is in development with MGM and Temple Hill Productions for a feature film. She is also the author of Uncharted, Covet, Every Time I Think of You, and Cherish.

Tracey loves to interact with her readers and can be found on Facebook | Twitter | Goodreads | Amazon

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