18 August 2015

Book Review: Orphan #8 by Kim van Alkemade

Orphan #8
Author: Kim van Alkemade
Reading Level: Adult
Genre: Historical Fiction
Released: August 4th 2015
Review Source: William Morrow Paperbacks

A stunning debut novel of historical fiction set in the forgotten world of New York City's Jewish orphanages

In 1919, four-year-old Rachel Rabinowitz is placed in the Hebrew Infant Home where Dr. Mildred Solomon is conducting medical research on the children. Dr. Solomon subjects Rachel to an experimental course of X-ray treatments that establish the doctor's reputation while risking the little girl's health. Now it's 1954, and Rachel is a nurse in the hospice wing of the Old Hebrews Home when elderly Dr. Solomon becomes her patient. Realizing the power she holds over the helpless doctor, Rachel embarks on a dangerous experiment of her own design. Before the night shift ends, Rachel will be forced to choose between forgiveness and revenge.

Inspired by true events, Orphan #8 is a powerful novel about the human capacity to harm—and to love.

If you want a good cry while being inspired by a true events story, then Orphan #8 is the book for you. This book had me “bawling” my eyes out. The horror of experiments performed to Rachel were heart wrenching! What in the world were these doctors thinking?? Performing experiments to poor children! Poor four year old Rachel!

Game of Thrones walk of shame is much needed.

Orphan #8 is the story of Rachel. She is a nurse at the Old Hebrew Home. While at work, Rachel recognizes one of her patients. This person brings her terrible nightmares. These were of experiments that were done to her by this patient. This is such an ethical dilemma. What would you do in Rachel’s shoe? Take revenge with this opportunity? Or would you be able to forgive a person that has caused you pain at a young age?

The chapters alternate between Rachel’s present and past. You get to feel her pain. The flashbacks to the experiments, her brother’s betrayal, the lack of trust… The reason why she shy away from the world. These are only few reasons that shows her suffering at the hands of these cruel doctors.

This is a beautiful story. The conflict of seeking retribution or offer forgiveness toward a person is something  not easy. A inner dilemma that will not let go until it is dealt with.

I really enjoyed Orphan #8 and I am glad I gave this story an opportunity. Just be warned, this is not an easy read. Yet, a story I highly recommend to everyone.

1 comment:

  1. I'm a nurse, and so I am really curious about this book! I've never had cause to even consider harming any of my patients, but I do have to wonder, what kind of a moral fiber would I have if something like this happened? Totally adding to TBR list!
