18 August 2015

Top Ten Tuesday: Top Ten Auto-buy Authors

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the Bookish.
Top Ten Of Your Auto-buy Authors

1. Leigh Bardugo is officially on my auto-buy list as of this year. Mostly because I FINALLY read The Grisha Trilogy and fell madly in love with the Darkling.  
2. Christina Lauren is my FAVORITE duo and they write the most kickass women and swoonworthy men. Plus they've started writing YA, what's not to love?! 

3. I mean, c'mon she gave us Warner. I'm forever at Tahereh Mafi's mercy. 

4. Suzanne Young, girl I fangirl over you. Even if you're books are a tad depressing overall, I can't get enough of them. Cannot wait for Hotel Ruby coming out in November
5. Rainbow Rowell. Definitely will never miss a book from her. I have loved both her adult and YA books. 

6. Colleen Hoover. I think it's actually a sin to miss a book by Colleen Hoover. 
7. Jamie McGuire. Her and those Maddox Brothers.
8. Abbi Glines. Obviously I have never missed a book by her, she was my top read author from last week. 
9. Stephanie Perkins. I could go on for days about her Anna series. Seriously those books are my everything. 
10. Jennifer L. Armentrout. Anytime I pick up a book by her, may it be New Adult or YA, I always enjoy every page of it.  


  1. Yay JLA!! Love that woman and her books! LOL! I enjoyed Tahereh's trilogy as well and really can't wait to read more from her! Warner was a delight! I didn't expect to like him as much as I did! It was really that first novella that started winning me over! LOL!

    Here's my Tuesday Post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  2. FANTASTIC list! We have some matches here. I cannot believe that I left out Mafi! LOVE her books! I completely agree on Warner. Yum! Happy reading.
    Top 10 @Libby Blog
