02 September 2015

Blog Tour: Anne & Henry by Dawn Ius + Giveaway

Anne & Henry
Author: Dawn Ius
Reading Level: Young Adult
Genre: Contemporary
Released: September 1st 2015
Publisher: Simon Pulse

In this wonderfully creative retelling of the infamous—and torrid—love affair between Anne Boleyn and King Henry VIII, history collides with the present when a sizzling romance ignites in a modern-day high school.

Henry Tudor’s life has been mapped out since the day he was born: student body president, valedictorian, Harvard Law School, and a stunning political career just like his father’s. But ever since the death of his brother, the pressure for Henry to be perfect has doubled. And now he’s trapped: forbidden from pursuing a life as an artist or dating any girl who isn’t Tudor-approved.

Then Anne Boleyn crashes into his life.

Wild, brash, and outspoken, Anne is everything Henry isn’t allowed to be—or want. But soon Anne is all he can think about. His mother, his friends, and even his girlfriend warn him away, but his desire for Anne consumes him.

Henry is willing to do anything to be with her, but once they’re together, will their romance destroy them both?

Inspired by the true story of Anne Boleyn and King Henry VIII, Anne & Henry beautifully reimagines the intensity, love, and betrayal between one of the most infamous couples of all time.

Anne & Henry is quite a surprising story. I didn’t love the story but I did enjoy it.

For the most part, I loved Anne. She is what you called a broken child. Although she may seem like a troublemaker, with pierced tongue, she really is a sweet and nice girl. Don’t let the motorcycle fool you. I loved how she didn’t let anyone put her down. Even though the whole school was against her, without knowing her. Anne didn’t let their little minds break her and this made me love her! Seriously, the way she presented herself - she deserves some type of award! I wouldn’t be able to attend high school if all the kids were mean to me. Unlike me, Anne gave them hell.

However, she is not perfect. Even though she tried her best to stay away from Henry, she fell for him. Their relationship was not healthy. It was actually quite fast how everything happened. And like the saying says, “easy come easy go”... well, this is the best description for their relationship.

Henry was an okay character for me. He was more of an ass for me than a prince charming. He did have his moments, like the way he would stick out for Anne at times. I really liked this about him. But at the end, he was easily fooled and he did something unforgivable.

To be frank, I did not know this was a series. Well I do hope it is one. The ending was something I wasn’t expecting and I was actually mad at the end. So I am looking forward the next book.

DAWN IUS is a short-story author, novelist, screenwriter, professional editor, and communications specialist. She is the Assistant Managing Editor of the International Thriller Writers Association’s monthly magazine, THE BIG THRILL, co-founder and senior editor of Vine Leaves Literary Journal, and the author of ten educational graphic novels published by the Alberta Canola Producers Commission. When she’s not slaying fictional monsters, she’s geeking out over fairy tales, Jack Bauer, Halloween, sports cars, and all things that go bump in the night. Dawn lives in Alberta, Canada, with her husband, Jeff, and their giant English Mastiff, Roarke.

Dawn also writes paranormal young adult fiction under the last name DALTON.

Thanks to Simon & Schuster Children’s Publishing, we are giving away a copy of Anne & Henry.
Giveaway is open to U.S. residents only

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Cannot wait to read this. Love anything dealing with Henry VIII & Anne Boleyn.

  2. This sounds like an adorable contemporary!!

  3. I can't wait to read. It's on my list. The cover is so cute.

  4. I think it is such a creative idea to retell a historical relationship in a modern day setting and I wouldn't have thought to do that at all! I am so glad it was actually a good book. The romance doesn't sound spectacular but Anne's character sounds right up my street.
