08 September 2015

Book Review: Drift & Dagger by Kendall Kulper

Drift & Dagger
Author: Kendall Kulper
Reading Level: Young Adult
Genre: Paranormal 
Released: September 8th 2015
Publisher: Little, Brown Books for Young Readers
As a boy in the late nineteenth century, Mal's only friend was Essie, daughter of the Roe witch, and it was she who discovered that he is a "blank," not affected by magic, setting him on a career as a con artist, traveling the globe in search of a legendary magical dagger that can steal a witch's power.

There is something special about Kendall’s writing that draws me in from the very beginning of her stories. Twice I’ve been entranced. Twice I was left with a hunger for more.

Drift & Dagger’s world is so brilliantly constructed and well described that it makes me think I am part of it. Or that I’m watching an epic movie. I am dead serious, I love her writing.

This story takes you to world filled with magic. A place in which magic is so common that if you do not possess any sort you are consider an outcast. A place in which people will judge and belittle you. Unlike everyone in his world, Mal is a “blank”. He is immune to magic and is considered a monster, a devil, a disease… you get the point. Being consider this, Mal’s only friend is the daughter of a Roe’s witch. Essie doesn’t judge him and keeps his identity in secret. Until one day she betray and exposes him.

Now friendless, Mal is forced to leave the only place he called home but takes a quest of revenge. During this new adventure of his, Mal learns about a magic dagger. This dagger steals magic and boy, there is a great twist. However, Mal is consumed with revenge. Essie destroyed him and he wants her to suffer. But he soon learns something that will turn his world upside down. Well, more than what it is! Jeez, this guy doesn’t get any break!

I really enjoyed Drift & Dagger. Even though the story is not left with cliffhanger, I wish I could get more. I really do want more!

As a fan of Kendall, I hope everyone reads Drift & Dagger! Especially lovers of Paranormal.

Thank you for the copy ReadingTeen!

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