24 September 2015

#ThrowbackThursday: Once Upon A Cosplay

Throwback Thursday is the theme of the day! We share with you our adventures throughout book signings, world premieres, mall tours and many others.

A book began the bond of a lifetime...

This past Saturday Doctor Who premiered its 9th season. It’s Throwback Thursday so what better throwback than the day I cosplayed as the 11th doctor for Florida Supercon 2015?!

One of my dearest friends, Taimara Dietsch, and I both went as 11th Doctor. We were inspired by episode 6 in the 6th season of Doctor Who, "The Almost People", in which, accidentally, The Doctor creates a clone of himself (with the only difference being their shoes LOL) ...GERONIMO! 

One of the many reasons I love cons is because I get to see all the people that love cosplaying as much as I do. As expected we encountered various Doctors that day.

Here we are with a 4th Doctor who looks exactly like Tom Baker. Look how tall he is!

We also found the 9th Doctor, FANTASTIC!

ALLONS-Y! How cool is this 11th Doctor with his Victorian outfit along with Handles, that’s what he named the Cyberman head he is holding.

We found another 11th Doctor. This guy was THE BEST, hands down! He had the same mannerisms, expressions, and wackiness that Matt Smith brought to The Doctor. Even his accent was British.

I am so looking forward to Animate Miami next month to see what creative cosplays the attendees will display! See you all there!


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