01 September 2015

Top Ten Tuesday: Ten Characters You Just Didn't Click With

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the Bookish.
Ten Characters You Just Didn't Click With

1. Nanette

Fallen Too Far (Too Far, #1)

2. Alaska Young

Looking for Alaska

3. Anika Dragomir

Anatomy of a Misfit

4. Juliet Newman

Better Than Perfect

5. Georgie McCool


6. Vee Sky

Hush, Hush (Hush, Hush, #1)

7. Margo Roth Spiegelman

Paper Towns

8. Selkie Stewart

The Girl Who Never Was (Otherworld, #1)

9. Lesh

Guy in Real Life

10. Kit

Dear Killer


  1. I loved Anatomy of a Misfit. The characters were awful people, but the book was fantastic. The only other one I read was The Girl Who Never Was. I liked it. I haven't read the others on your list.

    Michelle @ Michelle's Minions

    My TTT

  2. You are the second person out of three lists I have seen tonight plus mine to list Margo from Paper Towns. Margo dislikers unite! My TTT

  3. Landline was up and down for me. It was cute and quirky at times, but Georgie could be kind of a dummy!

  4. I think this is the second time I am seeing someone from Hush, Hush...or maybe third. Yes, third! The book wasn't completely flawless, but I found I did enjoy it and the characters weren't too bad! LOL! Haven't read any of the other books here.

    Here's my Tuesday Post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  5. Oooh, I get why Vee would be on your list. I found her a bit annoying too but I think she got better as the series went on. Ahh, Looking for Alaska is my favourite John Green book! I know a lot of people didn't like Alaska though and I can kinda see why but I still loved her. Did you see Paper Towns the film?

    Nattie @ Book Rambles - here's my Top Ten :3

  6. There a few things on your list that I was looking forward to picking up but at least now I can go in with lower expectations and know I may be in for some annoyance. Great list :)

    My TTT http://wp.me/p3ftwe-Jy

  7. I completely agree with Alaska! I did not like her at all. So happy to her someone else feels the same :)
    But other then that book i actually haven't read any of the books from your list. So we have completely different lists. Always fan :)
    Great list :)

  8. I didn't like Margo either.
    I really didn't get why Q liked her so much.

  9. I agree with a lot of these. I wasn’t a huge fan of Alaska, Margo, or Georgie, but I liked all three of those books.

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

  10. Several of these are on my TBR list but I haven't read them yet - will watch for these characters when I do :) My TTT

  11. I love Landline, yes Georgie was stupid and naive sometimes. But I like her and her husband :)
