Blog Tour: Daughters Unto Devils by Amy Lukavics + Giveaway

Welcome to our stop on the Daughters Unto Devils tour for Amy Lukavics!

Daughters Unto Devils
Author: Amy Lukavics
Reading Level: Young Adult
Genre: Horror
Released: September 29, 2015
Review Source: Harlequin Teen

When sixteen-year-old Amanda Verner's family decides to move from their small mountain cabin to the vast prairie, she hopes it is her chance for a fresh start. She can leave behind the memory of the past winter; of her sickly Ma giving birth to a baby sister who cries endlessly; of the terrifying visions she saw as her sanity began to slip, the victim of cabin fever; and most of all, the memories of the boy she has been secretly meeting with as a distraction from her pain. The boy whose baby she now carries.

When the Verners arrive at their new home, a large cabin abandoned by its previous owners, they discover the inside covered in blood. And as the days pass, it is obvious to Amanda that something isn't right on the prairie. She's heard stories of lands being tainted by evil, of men losing their minds and killing their families, and there is something strange about the doctor and his son who live in the woods on the edge of the prairie. But with the guilt and shame of her sins weighing on her, Amanda can't be sure if the true evil lies in the land, or deep within her soul.

Daughters Unto Devils follows the story of Amanda Verner and her family. They live in a cabin in the mountains, and last winter Amanda became victim of cabin fever where she claims the devil came for her, and now might live within her. The book is set a year later right before winter hits again. Amanda has been secretly hooking up with a boy to distract her from herself and her thoughts mainly. One day her Pa decides they should move down the mountain as the winter will be even more harsh this year. So they move. Only, the land they move into might actually be evil this time...

How do I begin to describe a book that is horror-perfection? I read this book in one sitting, and I made sure to read it late at night. Yes, I stayed up past midnight to set the mood! It was amazing that horror could come through a book and not a movie as I'm used to. What's even more perfect is that it's October and I wouldn't recommend anything better than Daughters Unto Devils for this month! I was truly CREEPED OUT from cover to cover. And, I enjoyed every second of it.

The Verner family was creepy in and of itself, but the added elements like setting, secondary characters, and even language were also super scary. And, just when I thought I had something, or someone, figured out *bam* I was wrong. Totally worth reading at night, totally worth reading this month, totally worth the scares!

Ever since she was little, Amy was especially intrigued by horror books and movies. Raised in a small mountain town in Arizona, she sustained herself on a steady diet of Goosebumps, Fear Street, and Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark books before discovering Stephen King in her mother's bookshelf.

Amy lives with her husband, their two precious squidlings, and an old gentleman cat by the name of Frodo. When she isn't writing, she enjoys cooking, crafting, and playing games across many platforms.


  1. I saw the cover of this back at BEA and I've been wanting to get a copy since then.

  2. I can't wait to get to read this one. It sounds fantastic! Plus, it's perfect for October! Great review! Happy reading!

  3. I would love to read this book!

  4. This sounds so good. I'm always looking for new-to-me YA authors (too many contests for erotic romance out there, and not enough YA). Thanks for the chance! :)

  5. OMG! I can't wait to read it! <3

  6. So looking forward to this book! I'll be seeing Amy in Salem!! The event is in a haunted hotel!

  7. What?! That sounds way cool! Lucky! Have fun!

  8. I enjoy reading horror this time of year, and this one sounds really good. Thanks for having the giveaway.

  9. this cover is so intriguing!!!!!

  10. I really, REALLY need to win this book!!!! Thank you for the chance!!

  11. This book literally could not sound more awesome.


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