Throwback Thursday is the theme of the day! We share with you our adventures throughout book signings, world premieres, mall tours and many others.
A book began the bond of a lifetime...
Today on Throwback Thursday we are sharing with you Taimara's first attendance to San Diego Comic Con
One of the main words you can use to describe me is: Nerd, and it's every nerd's dream to attend SDCC at least once in their lifetime. In the year 2014 I got to scratch off that item from my Bucket List (although, to be honest, I want to re-write it on that list because I do intend to go at least one more time) and have the best time ever!
How would I describe my experience at Comic Con? With one simple word: AMAZING!
Even though I did not go to any of the panels nor attend the con per say (I wanted to have the freedom of enjoying everything that SDCC had to offer outside and around the convention center and, mostly, celebrity stalk...er...I mean, celebrity site), I must say I had the time of my life. It really is a nerdy person's natural habitat and we all are equals there, accepted and loved. To begin with, that entire part of the city just becomes part of the con: the nearby streets have billboards and buses going around with posters with some nerdy theme, the restaurants demand their staff to at least wear a nerdy shirt but preferably dress up in some cosplay, and there are so, so many events going on in the hotels nearby and, of course, at the Petco Park where NerdHQ takes over along with Nerdist Industries to bring you some more panels and photo ops (all funds from these events are donated to Operation Smiles). The fun is honestly never ending -well, until they start picking everything up again on Sunday.
But I've done enough blabbing for now, let me show with pictures all that I mean.
See, only at SDCC will you...
Be able to create a "Stalking List" and know you will get to see most, if not all of them (I missed Daniel Radcliffe by a hair and almost got to go to a party where Matt Smith was doing the drunk giraffe)
Find a Stormtrooper pulling a man in a wheelchair aroundSee a pirate driving around a tiny little Mad Hater
See not one, but two Khaleesi strolling around together
Double decker buses promoting your favorite TV show
A statue of Godzilla that actually roared
Find a "Homer Dome" peaking out from the ground staring at and judging you
Find a smaller version of the real TARDIS that actually sounds just like it AND it flies!
Get a slice of pizza from (one of) your favorite childhood super heroes
Meet Optimus Prime (although I admit I thought he was way taller than this!)
Get to see Gotham City in person and zip line through it
Get to feel more at home than anywhere else inside Petco Park with all its gloriousness inside, such as:
Meeting two fabulous Lady LokisMeeting Sonic the Hedgehog!
Climbing down walls like Spider-Gwen
And go to the bathroom and run into a celebrity YouTuber: ComicBookGirl19 (check out her video podcast if you haven't already, it's SO awesome!)
Also, only at SDCC...
Do you get to see Frodo himself DJing some awesome musicAnd take a pic with him...
See Green Arrow pass in front of you
Get to talk to Agent Couslon
Compliment Skye's (well, Daisy or leader of the Inhumans) beautiful dress
Get picked up by Seth Green
Have Nathan Fillion stick his tongue in your pic
See Benedict Cumberbatch from afar and when your friend asks him to come over to take a pic, have him apologize profusely like the good Brit that he is that he can't
Become one of the X-Men for a day
See the Ghostbusters just driving around
Get invited to a Sherlock party...
Where you'll see awesome dresses and clutches that were made by the model herself
See an awesome group of gender bending X-Men from the 20s
See this guy from afar and freak out for just an instant thinking Benedict himself showed up (until you realize he's wearing the tuxedo from the wedding)
And get some really awesome pics at the themed photobooth with your friends, new and old
And pretend to be marrying Sherlock
And it wouldn't be SDCC if there wasn't at least one person that looks exactly like the character they're dressing up as
I can't wait to attend Animate Miami weekend after next. I miss going to cons!!
Have you gotten your tickets yet? Hope to see you there (if you see me, say hi!)
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