27 October 2015

Top Ten Tuesday: Scariest Book Covers

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the Bookish.

 Scariest book covers.

The Dead HouseBad Girls Don't Die (Bad Girls Don't Die, #1)MARY: The Summoning (Bloody Mary, #1)The Monstrumologist (The Monstrumologist, #1)
Dust and Decay (Benny Imura, #2)Catacomb (Asylum, #3)Diary of a HauntingDaughters unto Devils
We'll Never Be ApartA Drop of Night


  1. And this is exactly why I'm not a big horror fan haha :P Just looking at these covers freaks me out!!
    Here's my TTT on the best magical creatures: https://victoriajaynesbooks.wordpress.com/2015/10/27/top-ten-tuesday-28-halloween/

  2. I really enjoyed We'll Never Be Apart. The cover is so creepy and atmospheric. I also LOVE the cover of Bad Girls Don't Die which is coming up soon on my TBR! Great list! :-)

  3. I kinda love creepy/scary book covers even though I rarely actually read scary books. The covers are just so beautiful
    My Top Ten Tuesday.

  4. Daughters Unto Devils and Diary of a Haunting are pretty freaking creepy covers! I still need to read Diary of a Haunting! Great picks!

    Here's my Tuesday Post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  5. The Diary of a Haunting cover is just.... nope. It's pretty creepy haha

    Here is my Top Ten Tuesday!

  6. i'm totally going to have nightmares tonight after everyone's creepy cover posts lol My TTT

  7. All of these are terrifying covers! And most of them were contenders for my list as well. All of the Maberry book covers are super scary!

    My TTT

  8. Bad Girls Don't Die has always been scary to me!! Also those Jonathan Maberry books are terrifying. One accidentally fell out at me at the library and I was like scared to touch it! hahaha. Cool list... they're all pretty scary!
