Hi guys! Last year, we did a Better to Give Than Receive giveaway. This year, we will be doing this giveaway again but first we must remember to be thankful for everything that happen and didn't. Sometimes we are too focus on the things we want to receive that we are not grateful for the things we were able to enjoy. Let alone for being alive and the air we breathe.
Today on Once Upon a Twilight, we are thank you the readers. We are grateful for you all. We wouldn't be who we are without you returning to the blog. Since November is the Thankful month and the month of the last Hunger Games movie, we will be doing some pretty amazing giveaways. But first we will start with this one, however, make sure to stay tune!
As I mentioned, in December, we will be hosting another giveaway like this but with swags! For now, one lucky follower will win all 10 ARCs. The best part is: open INTERNATIONAL.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
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