18 January 2016

Blog Tour: The 100 by Kass Morgan | Interview | Giveaway

We are honor to be part of this amazing tour for author Kass Morgan. This tour is hosted by The Irish Banana Tour!

The 100
Author: Kass Morgan
Reading Level: Young Adult
Genre: Science Fiction
Released: January 5, 2016

New York Times bestseller The 100--now available in a paperback boxed set!

For centuries after a nuclear war destroyed the Earth, the human race has lived on spaceships far above the radioactive surface. Now, for one hundred juvenile delinquents, it's time to return home. Their mission: recolonize the savage land. The future of humanity rests in their hands.

Read the series that inspired the hit TV show. The 100, Day 21,and Homecoming are gathered together for the first time in this striking boxed set, perfect for fans and series newcomers alike.


Do you still find it surreal to see your series on TV? What is it like to know there is a huge fandom following this series?

So, SO surreal. For a while, I tried to play it cool, which is easy because I’m not involved in the show and they really do their own thing. But then I visited the set last year and got a slightly different perspective. It shoots outside of Vancouver, so I drove out of the city, up a mountain, and into a forest. When I got out of the car, there was no one there. Just birds and trees. But as I walked down the empty road, I saw it---a crashed space ship in the trees. It took my breath away. I didn’t realize that happens in real life, but I couldn’t breathe! The idea that this space ship had basically fallen out of my head and into a real forest was just mind-boggling. And that’s when it all became shockingly real to me. 

But the best part is definitely the fandom. Those videos! That fan art! It’s just magical to think about how deeply people have embraced my characters and their world. I did a reading at a bookstore last year and a girl wandered in wearing a Bellarke t-shirt! It was a total coincidence. She had no idea I was going to be there! That was hilarious, insane, and very moving. 

I honestly ADORE The 100 and just love how the show has played out. Have you been satisfied with the show, or do you feel that some of your creative vision was lost in translation to the TV screen?

I’m so glad you’re enjoying it! I LOVE what they’ve done with the adaptation, and I think it’s great that the writers had the freedom to alter and create storylines that worked best for TV. In many ways, I think my vision was clarified and intensified. I’m not a very visual thinker and don’t always imagine what people are wearing, what their furniture looks like etc. so it was incredible to see the two worlds brought to life with so much detail. It’s also fun to feel like I’m on some secret wavelength with the TV writers. There was originally a scene in DAY 21 where Clarke stumbles across Van Gough’s Starry Night, but it was cut from the book. So you can imagine my surprise and excitement when the painting appeared on the show in Mount Weather! 

Your books are obviously the inspiration for the shows, but are you involved in any other way?
Nope! I’m just a fan. 

Of the main three top girls,everyone sort of has one that resonates with them. Do you consider yourself more of a Clarke, Octavia or Lexa?

I think every author puts a bit of themselves into every character. I can be stubborn and self-righteous like Clarke. I’m playful and sometimes a little mischievous like Octavia. Lexa isn’t in the books, but I definitely appreciate her bravery and her unwavering commitment to her people. I wish she were running in the upcoming election! I’d vote for Lexa in a heartbeat.  

Authors always say that they hear voices in their heads. Which character speaks the loudest?

That would be Bellamy. Oh, Bellamy. I’m actually blushing a little right now. I developed a major crush on him while writing Book 1, which I think is both creepy and narcissistic. But I can’t help myself. He feels super real to me and I definitely hear his voice in my head. That’s why I get so weird around Bob Morely, the actor who plays Bellamy in the show. I’m sure he thinks I’m insane. 

What's the secret for writing books that resonate with teens, as an adult? 

For me, the hardest part was capturing the emotional intensity. For teens, a break-up with your first love can feel like the end of the world. Adults have a bit more perspective—at least, most of the time. I really wanted to convey that focus and passion so I re-read a series of break-up emails from my late teens . . . while listening to my old angsty break-up mixes. (Thanks, Death Cab for Cutie!) It was fun. It was heartbreaking. It was embarrassing. And it was really, really helpful! My characters are brilliant and brave, but they also can be a smidge hyperbolic when it comes to love. And as it turns out, so can I! I should probably take this opportunity to apologize to my high school boyfriend. That last email I sent you in 2003 was brutal. Beautiful! But brutal . . . 

Now, the hard question for last, Bellarke or Clexa and why?

Oh man. There’s no way for me to answer this without getting into trouble, is there? I obviously LOVE Bellamy and Clarke together. I wrote three books about them flirting, fighting, hooking up, going on adventures, saving the world etc. However, I love that the show took them in a different direction. I’m fascinated by their dark, knotty relationship. I also really like Clarke and Lexa together! I’m proud of the show for exploring a sexy, complex, same sex relationship and think it’s become a hugely important part of the cultural dialogue. 

So I’m going to take the easy way out and say I love them both!!

Thank you so much for stopping by! The new trailer has all going crazy! 

These are fabulous questions! Thanks so much xo

Check out the Eliza and Bob answering some fan questions!

Kass Morgan studied literature at Brown and Oxford, and now resides in Brooklyn, where she lives in constant fear of her Ikea bookcase collapsing and burying her under a mound of science fiction and Victorian novels. Kass is currently working on the sequel to The 100, which she’ll finish as soon as she finds a coffee shop that allows laptops on the weekend.

& Enter the giveaway

Week 1:
1/19: Don't Fold The Page - Review (The 100)
1/20: No BS Book Review - Getting' GIFy With It!
1/21: The Irish Banana Review - The 100 Inspired Makeup
1/22: Paperback Princess - Review (Day 21)Open to US ONLY 


  1. I love The 100. Olivia and Lincoln are two of my favorite characters!!!

  2. Love this show. Cannot wait for the next season to air.

  3. I started watching the show on tv and then my scheduling got messed up and I missed a bunch. I need to catch up and read the series.

  4. Love the show but haven't read the series.

  5. I watched the first season and then somehow thought it wasn't for me. Then went back and watched the second season and now I'm on the edge of my seat waiting for it to come back. The books have been on my TBR forever before the show!

  6. I've been wanting to read these books and watch this show for years now! I'm really hoping that this year (probably this summer) is the year when I actually sit down and do it. I'm really curious about this world. :)

  7. I marathoned this entire show in one weekend after a friend and my dad both kept getting on me to watch it. I'm obsessed now and I'm really curious about the books!

  8. I love this show! Can't wait to see what they do this season.

  9. Bellarke<3
    Obsessed with The 100! Can't wait for the new season.

  10. I haven't read the books yet, but I love the show. Thanks for the chance!

  11. The premise sounds amazing. I have yet to read the books or watch the show. Thanks for introducing The 100 to me!

  12. There isn't a blog post for today so I am commenting here again. I watched the first episode of The 100 last night, and wow! I loved it! Lots of problems going on! And they have the actor that plays Charles Vane from Blacksails in it!!! Yummy!

  13. I'm a fan from Brazil and I love this show so much! It would be a dream to win this

  14. You are TOO KIND to do this :) I was a late comer to both the books and the tv series but have definitely fallen in love!

  15. I haven't read the books yet but it sounds like a fantastic series! I'm interested in watching the show too but would prefer to read the books first... or maybe I shouldn't, Idk.lol. Though the author sounds happy with it so maybe I'll watch it anyway.
