Wild Seasons #4
Author: Christina Lauren
Reading Level: Adult
Genre: Romance
Released: February 2nd 2016
Review Source: Gallery Books

Dating a friend’s ex is supposed to be off the table. But sometimes what’s really, really wrong is actually really, really right.
I feel like I'm starting to sound completely redundant with my reviews for any Christina Lauren book. Like seriously, have you not been convinced with my million other reviews about how this duo, who've made it abundantly clear, that they can do no wrong. And once again they killed it with London and Luke’s story in Wicked Sexy Liar.
What was suppose to be a one night stand turned into so much more, especially when you find out that one night stand is a friend’s ex-boyfriend. Major girl code fail. Except you weren't really friends when the relationship happened and you're now just developing your friendship with said friend, but you know girls, our code, conflict of interest there. But my god! Luke, I swear I wasn't going to swoon over you, I swear I wasn't going to fall for you, and I definitely swore I wouldn't root for the another playboy, but holy hell I broke all my self made promises. I threw caution to the wind and just wished London would follow in my footsteps. And while you're not my Will Sumner, Luke, you are damn second when it comes to my favorite player. Always remember, don't hate the player, hate the game.
So basically back away from the review and pick up your copy of Wicked Sexy Liar. The real question is though, why isn't Christina Lauren already on your autobuy list? Seriously? What's taking you so long? Any time I get my hands on one of their books I know I have to plan a day with a few uninterrupted hours, because once you start there's no going back. It's like a black tunnel of swoony men, kickass chicks, sass and sentiment, loads of kissing, and everything in between. But I'm terrible at waiting and generally end up reading through the night and having coffee running through my veins by noon the next day.
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