Air Awakens #3
Author: Elise Kova
Reading Level: Young Adult
Genre: Fantasy
Released: February 11th 2016
Review Source: Silver Wing Press

A woman awoken in air, a soldier forged by fire, a weapon risen from blood.
Vhalla Yarl has made it to the warfront in the North. Forged by blood and fire, she has steeled her heart for the final battle of the Solaris Empire’s conquest. The choices before Vhalla are no longer servitude or freedom, they are servitude or death. The stakes have never been higher as the Emperor maintains his iron grip on her fate, holding everything Vhalla still has left to lose in the balance.
This might be the best in the series so far, if that's at all possible.
In short, Vhalla has had to prove herself time and time again to the army, and the Emperor. The dance she and Aldrick take is starting to get wild, and is only harder for them to control and hide from the many prying eyes. War is looming ever closer now that they have all made it into the North woods, spies and enemies are abundant in the tree tops. The emperor demands her to secure the victory in this war, but bucks her at every turn. Vhalla struggles to tread along the Emperor's wants, and what her own heart wants. Is it Aldrick or to survive this war, and the Emperor?
At one point I was outwardly yelping with joy, screaming YES aloud!!
Now my heart breaks, even though I understand what'd happened I still don't like it. I might have acted differently in Vhalla's situation, probably killing one more person to do so, but I guess that's why I'm a Slytherin, I will however, start reading Water's Wrath to quickly remedy my mourning heart. Just get into the series if you haven't yet, it's so amazing.
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