Welcome to our stop on The Requiem Red tour for Brynn Chapman. This tour is hosted by The Fantastic Flying Book Club Tours.
Requiem Red
Author: Brynn Chapman
Reading Level: Young Adult
Genre: Fantasy
Released: April 5 2016
Publisher: Month9Books, LLC

Patient Twenty-nine.
A monster roams the halls of Soothing Hills Asylum. Three girls dead. 29 is endowed with the curse…or gift of perception. She hears messages in music, sees lyrics in paintings. And the corn. A lifetime asylum resident, the orchestral corn music is the only constant in her life.
Mason, a new, kind orderly, sees 29 as a woman, not a lunatic. And as his belief in her grows, so does her self- confidence. That perhaps she might escape, might see the outside world.
But the monster has other plans. The missing girls share one common thread...each was twenty-nine's cell mate.
Will she be next?
Can you tell us a little bit about yourself and your book?
I...am a #nerd. I love books. Have always loved books, loong before I ever tried my own hand at writing. I started reading adult books by fifth grade. I have always been in love with fantasy--the Shannara Series as a kid, as well as A Wrinkle in Time, Lord of the Rings Trilogy by 8th Grade. I even loved the classics, which made my English teachers love me...but it wasn’t feigned...it was probably the seed of my historical obsession.
I love history--my favorite periods from 1700 to 1940’s. I set nearly all of my books in historical periods. For each book it is multi-sensory experience. Playlists, pintrest boards, all help to take you where you mentally need to be to construct story. I am a member of Romance Writers of America and Horror Writers...and that pretty much sums up my fiction.
These days, all of my reading is audio--I am incredibly, horribly busy, but cannot ever give up my alphabetical seven percent solution (see Sherlock Holmes for reference) so I listen.
I love science. Have dissected cadavers. Plan on a trip to The Body Farm, if permitted, to view decomposition for future books. I can shoot a bow, shoot a gun. Have shot a muzzle-loader. Can--or could--ride a horse.
I love music...and hear orchestral music spatially--like the instruments are on risers in the foreground and background.
Enough #wierdness yet lol?
Is there any particular author or book that influenced you in anyway either growing up or as an adult?
I loved THE STAND as a teen. I cannot drive through a tunnel without thinking about it.
I loved the muliple points of view and characters--I am never confused by such books--I LOVE the character ensemble fiction genre. Wish there were more of them. Although many agents dont seem to share my passion for them lol.
Do you think you could survive Soothing Hills Asylum?
In a word, yes. I...have survived quite a number of significant challenges. So long as my mind and body remaining intact and functioning….yes I think I could of survived. I would like to think i would survive there, the way I do here--trying to make others lives the teeniest bit better today than yesterday.
Without spoilers, were there any scenes you had to cut that you wished you could have kept?
No...they let me keep them all. There was one from my book BONESEEKER that got cut though...book two is out this fall. Ask me again then, and I’ll be glad to post it for your blog readers. It involved a shark. ;(
Do you have any exciting upcoming projects you can tell us about?
YES! HERE WALK THE DEAD, BONESEEKER 2 is coming in Oct 2016.
The Sequel to REQUIEM RED, BLACK IN TIME, will be next.
Next on my to-do list are titles--not yet bought or shopped entitled,
ONCE UPON A SIDESHOW (think gullah, charleston, traveling sideshows and an all new meaning to run off the join the circus)
MONSTER (based on the life of the first physician to perform plastic surgeries) and PETRIFIED (think of it as a historical walking dead) .
Born and raised in western Pennsylvania, Brynn Chapman is the daughter of two teachers. Her writing reflects her passions: science, history and love—not necessarily in that order. In real life, the geek gene runs strong in her family, as does the Asperger’s syndrome. Her writing reflects her experience as a pediatric therapist and her interactions with society’s downtrodden. In fiction, she’s a strong believer in underdogs and happily-ever-afters. She also writes non-fiction and lectures on the subjects of autism and sensory integration and is a medical contributor to online journal The Age of Autism.
She also writes under the pseudonym R.R. Smythe .
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