Marked Girl #1
Author: Lindsey Klingele
Reading Level: Young Adult
Genre: Fantasy
Released: June 21st 2016
Review Source: Harper Collins

Once upon a time, in a land far, far away (Los Angeles)…
When Cedric, crowned prince of Caelum, and his fellow royal friends (including his betrothed, Kat) find themselves stranded in modern-day L.A. via a magical portal and an evil traitor named Malquin, all they want to do is get home to Caelum—soon. Then they meet Liv, a filmmaker foster girl who just wants to get out of the system and on with her life. As she and Cedric bond, they’ll discover that she’s more connected to his world than they ever could’ve imagined…and that finding home is no easy task…
What a fantastic take for a book, and I would be interested in knowing how it might end.
The books pegged under time travel, and I don't know if that's quite correct. After all, from what I just read, it's not so much time travel as it is two different worlds, possibly dimensions. One of our modern day earth, where Liv and the rest of humanity have been carrying on, doing what they do, survive.
The other world, Caelum, is where magic has escaped too, as well as wrath's. Cedric and Kat have been raised to continue the fight againts wrath's, together. The book starts where Liv and her best friend Shannon, are wrapping up a shoot one night when an earthquake hits. In the aftermath, they comes across Cedric, Kat and Merek, who aren't exactly from around LA. They escaped Caelum though a portal, but can't go home without another portal, and for that they need to find ancient scrolls. All the while dodging pursuing wrath's. The book follows them through their kidnappings and escapes from the evil Malquin who's got his own plans for Liv.
The book while in my opinion, has an original idea, but was slightly predictable. The impossible love spark that happens, was slightly frustrating as I felt it couldn't really go anywhere, without either of the two truly giving up something crucial, and then their's the betrothal to complicate the issue. However despite these small short comings, I am interested to know where the book will go, and I'd be thrilled if this was a duology instead of a long drawn out series.
Only on other thing irked me, and its an issue that probably only bothers me and means truly nothing... but considering only 2% of the worlds population has green eyes, how is it that Liv, Daisy, and Emme all have green eyes?
Through it all, I did enjoy the story and I am interested in reading the next installment.
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