Orlando #MegaCon2016 Recap: Day 2: Saturday

If you’ve ever been to a con, you know Saturdays are the craziest, busiest, most star-filled day of them all. Cons usually run from Friday to Sunday, but with the growing in popularity they are having lately, a lot of them are expanding to be from Thursday to Sunday. But, despite this new trend, Saturdays continue to be their best days. It’s understandable, it’s the weekend, most people don’t work, kids don’t have school, so almost everyone can make it.

With that said, Saturday was our busiest day at Orlando MegaCon. Let me rectify that: it was the most epic day ever! As a professional fangirl, this day definitely has to go down in the books as one of the best days of my life. Stay tuned to find out why:

This day was supposed to start being epic since early with our first panel. We were supposed to attend Hailey Atwell’s at 10:30AM, but due to the insane amount of people, traffic was very bad, so we ended up missing it (it took us FOR EVER to get into the parking lot and had to park super far from the convention center) –insert sad face here. I’m just glad that I got to see her last year at SuperCon (in Miami) or I would’ve really cried! Thankfully, Leydy was there and she was able to live stream some of the event. Check out the video:

So, as soon as we got in, we went straight to what was supposed to be our second panel: Jason Isaacs. I’m not complaining about this at all, guys! Starting another day with a Potter actor? Yes, please! For those of you who do not know, Mr. Isaacs played the very pretentious and mean Lucius Malfoy, daddy to Draco, in the Harry Potter movies.

But, fret not, for he is one of the funniest and nicest guys ever! He didn’t even need a moderator for his panel! He was on the stage, no table or chair, just standing there and he would go from one end of the stage to the next answering questions fans had (people would line up on each side of the stage behind the microphone to ask questions). He told us stories of filming with Daniel Radcliffe (swoon!) and how he accidentally hit Tom Felton (Draco) with the walking staff (poor guy!) and how much fun he had filming the movies. He also told us that the only one who got away with improvising lines was Ralph Finnes (Voldemort), lol!

Afterwards, we went from the magical world of Harry Potter to the action-packed one of Marvel. We went over to the biggest theater room to see Ming-Na Wen’s panel (girl crush alert!). If you don’t know who she is, let me tell you, you should! She voiced the animated character Mulan and currently plays Agent May, aka The Cavalry –who is actually my favorite character, by the way, in the awesome TV show Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Ming-Na is another one of those actors who is NOTHING like her character. She is incredibly silly, goofy, sweet, and so much fun! Agent May, on the other hand, barely ever smiles, doesn’t like sarcasm or jokes, is a doer, not a follower, and just a total badass. Ming-Na made us laugh to no end and answered some question she was asked with sass, as required. She even taught us how to do the hair flip-while-kicking-some-serious-booty!

To top if off, Ming-Na is so beautiful, down to earth, and smart! A fan asked her what advice she would give to empower women since she plays so many empowering roles, and Ming-Na said that the key was to focus on the solution, not the problem. She said, “If you stay focused on the problem, it’s only going to bring you down, and not solve the issue at hand. If you focus on the solution and what you can do to get it done, then you will be less stress and much happier.” Well said, Ming-Na. As a therapist, I approve this message!

After Ming-Na’s panel, Tairina and I had to split up because I wanted to attend Michelle Gomez’s (Missy in the Doctor Who series) panel and Tairina wanted to attend Frank Miller’s.

Frank Miller is the one in the middle

I don’t blame her for wanting to attend that panel; Frank Miller is an absolute legend in the comic book world. If you don’t read comics (like me), he is the guy who wrote and drew Batman’s The Dark Knight series and Arkham, just to name a few. I don’t read comics, but even I know who Frank Miller is and I hate that I had to miss his panel but, Missy.

Michelle Gomez was an absolute hoot! She is basically Missy in real life, but sans the evilness. She was so much fun and made jokes non-stop! She was even wearing cat ears and tail. She is the absolute best! (Please pardon the bad quality of these photos. I had to take them from afar with my phone).

At one point she was answering a question by telling a story and halfway through her story, she said, “This is so long and boring!” and just threw herself on the floor and started crawling, pretending to be embarrassed. We couldn’t stop laughing! And then we all lost it again when she got up and started shaking her cattail! Can I just be her new BFF please?

After Michelle and Frank’s panels, Tairina and I were starving! We went to go buy our lunch and took it with us to the waiting room because the next panel we were going to attend is one that gets packed VERY quickly! So much so, it started at 5PM and by 3:30PM people were already lining up for it. All of that was because it was for the one and only John Barrowman!

Both Tairina and I are big Whovians, as said in my recap of day 1 article, so we have a very strong love for the actor who portrayed Captain Jack Harkness in both Doctor Who and the spinoff series, Torchwood. I mean, he’s handsome, an amazing human being, but above all, he’s HYSTERICAL! Just look at some of these pics and you can tell:

 I have never laughed so much in a panel like in John’s. I had tears the entire time. He has the energy of a 4 year-old ADHD kid, the sass only spectacular gay men can have, and makes the best double-meaning jokes ever!

And, just like me, he loves his hot men! Especially when they have muscles like these –and a dress and heels like those!

The best part of his panel, though, was when a fan asked him if he could be any Disney princess, who would he be? He took off his shoes, then asked to borrow someone’s long red wig and proceeded to throw himself on the floor and sing part of the most famous Little Mermaid song: “Part of Your World”. My stomach hurt from the laughter!

Here are pics and then video of that most epic moment:

 Unfortunately we had to miss the last 10 minutes of his panel (even though Tairina was a bit upset about that lol) because we had a photo op already paid for and John’s panel was running later than planned. Once we got our picture, Tairina forgot all about being upset…

Because it was with none other than the most legendary man of them all for us nerds: Stan Lee!!!! I still can’t believe we were next to him, got to greet him, AND took a picture with him! I have to admit that this was a picture I never, ever thought I would get. Never, in a million years, I thought I would be able to meet the creator of SO many classic characters we all love. This, was truly an honor for me.

And that is how we concluded the most epic fangirling day ever!

Stay tuned for recap of Day 3 coming soon!

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