Air Awakens #5
Author: Elise Kova
Reading Level: Young Adult
Genre: Steam Fantasy
Released: July 12th 2016
Review Source: Silver Wing Press

Long live Solaris.
One bloodthirsty ruler has been overthrown by another, casting the shadow of death over the Solaris Empire. Vhalla Yarl stands upon the stage of fate, prepared to do battle one final time. Fragile alliances will be tested and new bonds will be formed as the world is reshaped. She fights as the champion of peace, but when the night is darkest will she be able to pay the price of a new dawn?
I have loved every page of this series, reading Air Awakens was so much fun I was hooked fast. It's reminiscent of the Avatar the Last Air Bender (animated TV show) - but only in regards to book one, the series expands so much beyond that comparison. Book one of the series also reminded me faintly of Belle and that magnificent library and the slow build to acceptance and eventual love of Beauty & the Beast, again however it became so much more with the later books in the series.
I have been lucky to have been able to follow the series since Fire Fallings release, to have the glee and the excitement to read and pre order the next one. With Crystal Crowned I would read a little then put it down. I didn't want this story to end. I still really don't, and I'm hopeful that we as the readers will get to visit again in any possible future installments or revisit through other characters stories in Solaris.
What can I say about Crystal Crowned that won't give away major spoilers? Well, lets see now. Vhalla and Aldrik have managed to make it through a brutal war, and now with the onset of winter they have to make scarce as the false king reigns destruction down all around them upon the kingdom of Solaris. Friends have been lost along the way, old flames and magic have been ripped away since Vhalla took up with the Tower Guard, all for love. Is it worth it one might ask? Risking your friends, your heart and quite possibly your magic? For Vhalla, it has been difficult, but it's also worth the sacrifices she's had to make. Now, she needs to make one more. As Vhalla stares into the flames once more she isn't so sure she can do it this time, but times running out and a decision needs to be made before the nights out.
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