Star Wars: The Original Trilogy the Graphic Novel
Author: Alessandro Ferrari
Reading Level: Children's
Genre: Science-Fiction
Released: March 1, 2016
Review Source: Disney Lucasfilm Press

Everyone's favorite tale of good versus evil takes on a whole new look in this graphic novel! Join Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, Princess Leia, Darth Vader, and the rest of the heroes and villains from a galaxy far, far away in this graphic novel collection that retells the original three Star Wars films: A New Hope, The Empire Strikes Back, and Return of the Jedi. You'll experience the saga in a way you never have before!
A long time ago in a glaxay far, far away...
For fans of Star Wars: The original trilogy, they'll love this book. It's a comic book, which makes it a quick read! If you've ever read a comic book you know that it becomes a quick page turner. And that's exactly what this book does.
And if you're a fan of Star Wars, sure you already know the story and have seen it on screen, but seeing the cartoon character's is adorable. And you get all three films in one book. If you sat down for all three films that would take a whole day! Now, with this comic book it will only take about a half a day - depending on how fast you read. But with this comic, it shouldn't take anyone too long!
With character's that we all know and love and already have an attachment to it becomes an even deeper bond once you pick this book up. You will not be disappointed!
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