Director: Steven Spielberg
Writers: Melissa Mathison (screenplay), Roald Dahl (novel)
Starring: Mark Rylance, Ruby Barnhill, Penelope Wilton, Jemaine Clement, Rebecca Hall, Rafe Spall, Bill Hader
MPAA Rating: TBA
Official Socials: Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | IMDb
Hashtag: #TheBFG
A girl named Sophie encounters the Big Friendly Giant who, despite his intimidating appearance, turns out to be a kindhearted soul who is considered an outcast by the other giants because unlike his peers refuses to eat boys and girls.
A touching-sweet film about an orphan girl who befriends a lonely giant brings a classic fairy tale to life. BFG takes you on an adventure into Giant Country where an outcast giant steals this orphaned girl named Sophie, who at first believes will eat her. We soon learn that isn’t the case with the Giant who’s the only one that doesn’t eat children. He seems evil at first but after hearing his kindly, sluggish speech, you instantly feel a personal connection with him and will make any true kid at heart fall in love with his character. Seen as an insult to giant people the BFG and Sophie go on journey in working together to get rid of the other evil giants. As this tale unfolds Sophie portrays the fearless zest of adventure that is in all children and in the end helps BFG make Giant Country peaceful to live in.
There’s always an underlying message and lesson to be learned in classic fairy tales. With BFG it’s not to be afraid of being yourself and standing up to injustice. Based of Roald Dahls "The BFG" director Steven Spielberg does a wonderful job in bringing to life the fairy tale, capturing the hearts and imaginations of children and adults alike. Dahl’s stories such as BFG, recognizes that life can be difficult and sometimes scary, that there is good with the bad, and he never patronizes his readers. The film BFG will scare you and make you smile at the same time, thus reminding you of the good in the world. As we grow older we lose sight of the observant wandering child within us all, so if we learn not to be afraid of it, then we too can become little friendly people who can live happily ever after.
Overall BFG was a wonderful fairy tale film and it was a fantastic experience to watch.
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