This year's Florida Supercon has been like no other! The main staged was moved to The Fillmore Miami Beach and whoa what a difference that made. Not only was there tons of space to accommodate the ever growing crowd that is always looking forward to this yearly event, but it opened up a ton of space for more vendors to come in. Guys, I can't even begin to tell you about all the money Leydy & I spent! Look for another post on that how ordeal.
This years highlight has to be being front and center to for Alex Kingston’s panel. Leydy & I are such big fans of her that when we heard she was coming to Florida Supercon we actually couldn’t stop screaming. Ah, good times. We were both pretty sleep deprived from all of the Friday night shenanigans, but that didn’t stop us from getting up extra early to see what Saturday had in store for us. We got there before the doors opened and boy could you tell the con had sold out. When we got the email the night before I couldn’t believe it!
Who was the hardest Doctor to work with? Her answer will make you laugh! #AlexKingston #DoctorWho @FloridaSupercon pic.twitter.com/qwbmiDcflX— Once Upon a Twilight (@twilightsdance) July 2, 2016
Alex had us from the moment she walked out and said “Hello Sweeties!” I think the entire theater died at the same time. You could tell she was so exciting to be there and just getting to talk with her fans was something that made her so happy. Not only was she a delight to hear, but we also got some pretty epic new first hand! The ever amazing Alex Kingston will be in the Gilmore Girls reboot! Yes, you read that right! Who she will be playing is still a mystery, but just finding out that two of our favorite fandoms are about to collide is blowing our minds! Here’s just a clip of her teasing us about what’s to come.
Alex talking a little more about #GilmoreGirls! #AlexKingston #DoctorWho @FloridaSupercon pic.twitter.com/j57pYPXn6l— Once Upon a Twilight (@twilightsdance) July 2, 2016
Saturday was filled was so many things. Not only did we get to see Alex Kingston bright and early, but the lovely Elizabeth Henstridge was on the stage after her. I have to say Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D has been pretty badass lately and to hear that Elizabeth was coming to the con just got me that much more excited. If you know me then you know I ship Fitz & Simmons hard core so when she answered this question I pretty much freaked out.
"Where do you wanna see Fitz & Simmons in S4?" @FloridaSupercon #AOS #AgentsofSHIELD #ElizabethHenstridge pic.twitter.com/vKdqXG3sFo— Once Upon a Twilight (@twilightsdance) July 2, 2016
Also getting to hear her in person gave me Goosebumps. I’ve been such a fan of hers and just getting to be in the same room made my inner fangirl come out. I also loved how everyone kept complementing her on episode 4,722 Hours. I hate spoilers even when the season is over so I’ll just skim through it & say what a solid performance that was from Elizabeth.
We also took it back to the old days, holograms! Ah, the joys of working with things that aren't really there always make me laugh.
Also getting to hear about the pranks the cast pulled on each other had us all dying of laughter.
When it was time for the Ben McKenzie and Morena Baccarin panel we were bummed to find out Ben wouldn’t be making it due to flight issues, but that was over in a heartbeat after they announced that in turn the panel would turn into a Deadpool reunion! If you don’t already know Deadpool is all types of amazing so getting to hear stories from the set just added to the extra layer of awesome. Getting to hear Colossus in person was so mind blowing to me. Getting to hear him say this line basically killed me.
What is the most important meal of the day? 😂😂😂 #Deadpool @FloridaSupercon pic.twitter.com/GVvAymnq6T— Once Upon a Twilight (@twilightsdance) July 2, 2016
Not only did we get to hear Morena talk a little bit about what to expect in the next season of Gotham, but we also go to hear about what it's like to work with Ben & who had the best dynamic on set. On the Deadpool side of things we honestly couldn't stop laughing. I can see why Stefan Kapicic & Brianna Hildebrand got casted to play Colossus & Negasonic Teenage Warhead they are hyterical! Even though the panel didn’t turn out the way we had originally planned, I loved that we got an unexpected Deadpool reunion.
We loved getting to see so many amazing celebs at this year's Florida Supercon and are beyond grateful to the organizers for getting them all here. Kudos for all the hard work guys!
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