Ten Facts About Me
1. If you didn't already know OUaT isn't run by one person, it's a team effort!
2. We are all scattered around. Leydy & Andy are in South Florida, Yara & Bianca are in Texas, Shannon is in Arizona, Bri is in Washington, Heather in Virginia & Shannon H. is in the UK!
3. On that note, we have yet to officially meet all in person. A few of us have met up before, but never all together. We're counting on Apolloycon to make this finally happen!
4. We like to binge watch a lot of shows. If it takes you longer than two days to watch a season you are not a pro.
5. Funko's have take over our lives. It's a horrible addiction. Admitting you have a problem is the first step right?
6. A certain book brought us together and we have all been fortunate enough to meet our creator; Stephenie Meyer. She's absolutely amazing. Enough said.
7. We tend to travel a lot for book/movie/con related stuff. Our passion has no limits.
8. We can all agree that Daemon and Kat are OTP for life.
9. We all hate when books get new cover mid series! I'm all for changing the cover up when it's from hardcover to paperback, but don't do it mid series for the HC. My OCD can't handle it!
10. We all have that one unconventional "book shelf space" that isn't actual a bookshelf. Reader problems.
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