Welcome to our stop on Stalking Jack the Ripper tour for Kerri Maniscalco. This tour is hosted by The Fantastic Flying Book Club Tours.
Stalking Jack the Ripper
Stalking Jack the Ripper #1
Author: Kerri Maniscalco
Reading Level: Young Adult
Genre: Historical Fiction
Release Date: September 20th 2016
Publisher: Jimmy Patterson

He’s the infamous killer no man has ever been able to find.
Now it’s a girl’s turn.
Groomed to be the perfect highborn Victorian young lady, Audrey Rose Wadsworth has a decidedly different plan for herself. After the loss of her beloved mother, she is determined to understand the nature of death and its workings. Trading in her embroidery needle for an autopsy scalpel, Audrey secretly apprentices in forensics. She soon gets drawn into the investigation of serial killer Jack the Ripper, but to her horror, the search for clues brings her far closer to her sheltered world than she ever thought possible.
It will be available everywhere September 20, 2016.
I'm glad you're spreading the word, but I was really hoping to see a review to find out what you thought. Hopefully sometime soon!