Kiss Cam
Author: Kiara London
Reading Level: Young Adult
Genre: Contemporary
Released: October 18th 2016
Review Source: Swoon Reads

In Kiss Cam, teen author Kiara London asks, what's a little harmless kissing between friends?
Juniper, Jasper, and Lenny have been friends forever and co-own a vlog channel called WereVloggingHere. Their fans are huge "shippers" who believe that Juniper and Jasper are perfect for each other, and, despite warnings from friends and family, a simple Truth-or-Dare inspired kiss soon spirals out of control into a whole new world of making out and surprise kisses.
Juniper and Jasper's relationship begins to shift. But as fan requests for different "Kiss Cam" segments keep pouring in, Juniper puts her worries aside and convinces herself that it doesn't mean anything. After all, it's just kissing… right?
Kiss Cam was just so much fun! I read this on my last flight to Chicago and it’s just what I want in a contemporary YA, cute, fun, swoony and angsty moments. Perfect for Swoon Reads, perfect.
Juniper, Jasper, and Lenny, three best friends, that make up the vloggers, WereVloggingHere. They vlog their daily life, they do pranks, answer questions, play truth or dare, basically if it’s legal they may be down to do it. Three teenagers, being teenagers and recording it. Well their channel is pretty popular and you know what us fangirls are all about, ships. Each one is paired off at least with the other but the biggest ship in their fanbase is Juniper and Jasper, Jasiper. So one dare day, a dare came by their page, the top comment, a dare for Jas and June to kiss, and of course they do it, make the shippers happy. June is a little hesitant but what’s a kiss between friends? Nothing right? HA we know better, and there’s always fun and drama caused by kisses. So this dare kiss became the idea of Kiss Cam, they would surprise kiss each other, because there’s definitely no harm in that and their fans were totally loving it.
You know what I love in a good YA swoony contemporary book? Kissing. And while they were totally doing it as a dare and then totally were doing it to get more viewers, it was totally a blast to read and totally a lot of kissing. Kiss Cam had me giggling and smiling and shaking my head when that nasty bump in the road was coming and it was just fun to read. It also made me want to start vlogging so I wouldn’t look so weird talking to myself in public, but I would probably look still look weird just with a camera attached at my hand.
I'm glad you liked it! I'm always curious about books with the latest social technology. Is it accurate or at least reasonable in it's vlogging portrayal?