
Movie Review: The Swan Princess: Princess Tomorrow, Pirate Today

**Sony Home Video and MMSAI Kid provided me with some of the materials I used in this Blog Post. The opinions I share are my own.**

If you're looking for a movie that will put a HUGE smile on your child's face, then you must check out The Swan Princess: Princess Tomorrow, Pirate Today. Two days ago, I received a package from Sony Pictures Home Entertainment, MMSAI Kids and the moment Leah saw the package she took it from my hands and scream out loud. She was so happy to get this amazing package.

This package contained a DVD copy of The Swan Princess: Princess Tomorrow, Pirate Today, treasure chest, tiara, eye patch, treasure puzzle and a telescopes. Within minutes of opening the package, Leah began putting everything one and opening the puzzle.

After opening everything, Leah immediately started the movie and sang along with Princess Alise. Let me point out, we live in South Florida, about 20 minutes from the Atlantic Ocean, and boy did this movie give Leah many ideas. She begged us to go out so she can sing out loud the songs.

On that account, if you want your child to go out on an adventure, like Princess Alise, then be sure to pick your copy of The Swan Princess: Princess Tomorrow, Pirate Today! You can find out more about this movie below.

In the brand new original animated film, Princess Alise is training to be the perfect royal but in her heart all she wants to do is sail the seven seas as a swashbuckling pirate! After setting sail, Princess Alise is shipwrecked and washes ashore on an island where she meets Lucas, a young boy who has been living there by herself. They have to work together to survive and get back to civilization!
With her parents away for the summer, fun-loving, young Princess Alise must spend her time with Queen Uberta, training to be the perfect, proper royal...But what she really wants is to become a swashbuckling pirate! Princess Alise sets sail with Lord Rogers, Jean-Bob the frog and Speed the turtle on a bold, high seas journey filled with amazing adventure, danger and discovery. After a shipwreck leaves the brave crew stranded on a wild, mysterious island, they meet Lucas, a young boy who has been living in seclusion. Now the faithful friends must work together to escape the island and the ferociously hungry creatures that dwell there.

Watch the preview! and take the "Are you a Princess or Pirate" quiz and unlock an exclusive GIF!

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