Book Review: Dead As a Doornail by Charlaine Harris

Dead as a Doornail
Sookie Stackhouse #5 - True Blood
Author: Charlaine Harris
Reading Level: New Adult
Genre: Fantasy Mystery
Released: April 25th 2006
Review Source: Ace Books

Small-town cocktail waitress Sookie Stackhouse has had more than her share of experience with the supernatural—but now it’s really hitting close to home.

When Sookie sees her brother Jason’s eyes start to change, she knows he’s about to turn into a were-panther for the first time—a transformation he embraces more readily than most shapeshifters she knows. But her concern becomes cold fear when a sniper sets his deadly sights on the local changeling population, and Jason’s new panther brethren suspect he may be the shooter. Now, Sookie has until the next full moon to find out who’s behind the attacks—unless the killer decides to find her first…

People around Bon Temps have been mysteriously (yet meticulously) been getting killed, humans think they are random killings, Sookie Stackhouse knows that someone is hunting shifters. Book five of the series focuses more on the Were’s and shifters but the Vamps still walk around after dark.

Sookie is trying real hard this time to keep out of things until Sam get’s shot, was he the target or was Sookie? While she is able to not sleep with anyone and make matters more confusing, everyone’s vying for her heart. That includes Bill and Eric (although Bill’s got no shot in hell now), Calvin Norris is still giving it a go, but with Alcide Herveaux it’s hard to focus on anyone shifter. Alcide has been poking around for sure, but he’s letting Were business get in the way of him and Sookie, in that he’s asking a whole lot of favors that will bite them in the ass if he can’t be honest with what he needs from her upfront.

The who did it part of the book, was predictable. However, this didn’t take away from the overall enjoyment of the story. I've got book six ready to go!


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