Dark Sky 0.25
Author: Amy Braun
Reading Level: Young Adult
Genre: Steampunk
Released: October 4th 2016
Review Source: Amy Braun

To be totally honest, I haven't read the following series so reading Amber Sky was step one for me. For the most part I was interested, but the fight scenes read like a play-by-play announcer, every punch and move mentioned.
The main character, Nash, read like the complainy emo kid. So strong, yet not liked and detesting everything. Okay, sure, its nice he has morals and is surviving in the only viable option he has, but it was rough at times to read.
The story kept me though, seemed like too easy of a wrap up for Sonya. I am hopeful Crimson Sky is as compelling story wise if not more so. I understand this is simply out there to explain how Nash and Sawyer met up in such a vast and empty world.
Reading Level: Young Adult
Genre: Steampunk
Released: October 4th 2016
Review Source: Amy Braun

Press-ganged into servitude by a ruthless band of marauders who survived the devastating Storm, Nash has grown tired of his career– the young, undefeated champion of the Stray Dog fighting pits. All he longs for is a place to live where his family is not his enemy.
When his captain gives him an assignment to embed him deeper into the crew, Nash attempts to refuse, until the life of his friend is threatened. Determined to save her, Nash embarks on the mission to subjugate and control a supplier. But the supplier has other clients, one of which could be the son of the most feared pirate captain in all of Westraven.
And if Nash plays his cards right, the key to his deeply desired freedom, if he can live with the consequences of his choice…
Set two years before the events of CRIMSON SKY, this prequel novella tells the story of how Nash and Sawyer crossed paths– and fists. While best enjoyed before reading CRIMSON SKY, this bonus story can be read at any time or enjoyed as a standalone.
To be totally honest, I haven't read the following series so reading Amber Sky was step one for me. For the most part I was interested, but the fight scenes read like a play-by-play announcer, every punch and move mentioned.
The main character, Nash, read like the complainy emo kid. So strong, yet not liked and detesting everything. Okay, sure, its nice he has morals and is surviving in the only viable option he has, but it was rough at times to read.
The story kept me though, seemed like too easy of a wrap up for Sonya. I am hopeful Crimson Sky is as compelling story wise if not more so. I understand this is simply out there to explain how Nash and Sawyer met up in such a vast and empty world.
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