Seven Stones To Stand Or Fall
Author: Diana Gabaldon
Reading Level: Adult
Genre: Historical
Released: June 27th 2017
Review Source: Delacorte Press

Featuring Jamie Fraser, Lord John Grey, Master Raymond, and many more from Diana Gabaldon’s unforgettable cast of characters, this brilliant collection of Outlander novellas includes two never-before-published works—Besieged and A Fugitive Green—as well as Virgins, The Space Between, Plague of Zombies, A Leaf on the Wind of All Hallows, and The Custom of the Army.
Diana Gabaldon has been captivating my imagination since Outlander was released in 1991. I have read all of her books and novellas cover to cover. This book was no exception.
WARNING: this book is not the continuation and 9th novel of the Outlander series (That book is already titled Go Tell The Bees That I Am Gone and is not yet written). It is 7 novellas together in one book spread out over the timeline of the Outlander series.
Lord John has many novellas written about him. He is one of the most well-traveled characters in the Outlander universe. I had a few concerns with quickly certain things transpired in the novella's that he appears in, However, I was almost always able to get past them and enjoy the time I spent getting to know him better. There are other characters as well, a few fans have only heard characters discuss. I was thrilled to 'meet' those characters.
The reason I gave the book 4 stars was there were a few gaps/inconsistencies that I felt were due to rushing a few of the Novellas. That being said the overall stories were really good. I especially loved A Leaf On The Wind Of All Hallows. The Outlander series has a habit of grabbing hold of my imagination and not letting go until I have read the book cover to cover and this particular story did just that. I recommend this book to anyone interested in the series with the warning that the dates of when the stories take place jump all over the Outlander timeline. The remedy for reading them in order is to pay attention to Diana's Introduction.
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