
#SanAntonio Grab Passes to #KidnapMovie @ Santikos Silverado 7/31/17

Release: August 4, 2017
Director: Luis Prieto
Writer: Knate Lee
Cast: Halle Berry
Producers: Lorenzo di Bonaventura, Erik Howsam, Joey Tufaro, Gregory Chou, Halle Berry and Elaine Goldsmith-Thomas
Executive Producers: Bill Johnson, Jim Seibel, Ara Keshishian, D.J. Gugenheim, Doris Pfardrescher, Mike Drake, Todd Trosclair, Knate Lee, Colin Bates, David Dinerstein, Jason Resnick and William Sadleir
A typical afternoon in the park turns into a nightmare for single mom Karla Dyson (Academy Award winner Halle Berry) when her son suddenly disappears. Without a cell phone and knowing she has no time to wait for police help, Karla jumps in her own car and sets off in pursuit of the kidnappers. A relentless, edge-of-your seat chase ensues, where Karla must risk everything to not lose sight of her son. In this tense, action-fueled thriller, directed by Luis Prieto and from the producers of SALT and TRANSFORMERS, one mother’s heroic attempt to take back her son leads her to ask herself how far she will go to save her child.

Click poster below to print your passes:

These tickets are on a first-come, first-served not guaranteed basis. Arrive early to secure your seats.

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