
Houston's Alley Theatre's A Christmas Carol Recap - #ChristmasCarolHOU

The Alley’s 30th production of A CHRISTMAS CAROL – A GHOST STORY OF CHRISTMAS, re-opens the Hubbard Theatre. The show, a re-telling of Charles Dickens’ classic story, follows Ebenezer Scrooge’s journey with the three ghostly spirits that visit him on Christmas Eve. A Christmas Carol instills a powerful message about redemption and the spirit of the holiday season.

Info: Houston’s seasonal favorite—A Christmas Carol - A Ghost Story of Christmas returns this year with a re-telling of Charles Dickens’ classic story, which follows Ebenezer Scrooge’s journey with the three ghostly spirits that visit him on Christmas Eve. A Christmas Carol instills a powerful message about redemption and the spirit of the holiday season.
Date: November 24 through December 30
By: Charles Dickens
Adapted and Originally Directed by: Michael Wilson
Directed by:  James Black
Press Materials and Photos:
Suitable for general audiences. (Age 6+)
Hubbard Theatre
Approx Run Time: 92 minutes with a 15 minute intermission.

Charles Dickens’s “A Christmas Carol” has been showing in the Alley Theatre for the past 30 years and it did not disappoint. The cast was amazing and the technical theatre was impressive. This is the first show performed at the Alley Theatre since Hurricane Harvey hit Houston, Texas in late August. The Alley Theatre was devastated. Nonetheless, the cast and crew worked tirelessly to make sure that “A Christmas Carol” would be ready in time for the Christmas season and it shows.

I have never seen “A Christmas Carol” live. I’ve only ever watched it on television. However, seeing the show on stage is beyond words and to be able to share the experience with my seven year old son for the first time will be a memory I will never forget.

Every single actor and actress on stage was amazing. The cast had amazing chemistry that shined throughout the production. My favorite parts of the show were the technical theatre. As a former thespian, I appreciate all of the moving parts that going into a production. I have a great appreciation for shows that find creative ways of transitioning and expressing emotion without speech.

All in all, “A Christmas Carol” was an incredible performance that shows the resilience that is the Alley Theatre. I hope to make this show an annual Christmas tradition with my son in the future.


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