Blood Fury
Black Dagger Legacy #3
Author: J. R. Ward
Reading Level: Adult Fiction
Genres: Paranormal Romance
Released: January 9th 2018
Review Source: Ballantine Books

NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER • In this sexy paranormal romance novel set in the world of the Black Dagger Brotherhood, #1 New York Times bestselling author J. R. Ward tells the story of two couples—both fighting to find love in the midst of the war with the Lessening Society.
A vampire aristocrat, Peyton is well aware of his duty to his bloodline: mate with an appropriate female of his class and carry on his family’s traditions. And he thought he’d found his perfect match—until she fell in love with someone else. Yet when his split-second decision in a battle with the enemy endangers the life of another trainee, Peyton has to face the idea that his future, and his heart, actually lie with another.
Novo, as a female in the Black Dagger Brotherhood’s training program, feels like she has to prove herself to everybody—and she has no interest in being distracted by falling in love. But when Peyton proves to be so much more than a rich playboy, she is forced to confront the tragedy that has broken her soul and closed her off from love.
As the two grapple with Novo’s past and Peyton’s present, another couple must contend with a connection that is unparalleled—and potentially scandalous. Saxton, who has had his heart broken, discovers in himself a deep-seated attraction to Ruhn, a new member of the household. But will the other male explore the connection? Or will he close his mind and his heart to what could be true love . . . and cost Saxton everything?
Blood Fury was fantastic, its been a minute since I have read anything that I felt really grabbed me from the 1st page. Blood Fury is probably my favorite Legacy book to date. There was just so much I loved in the books. I would have not mind one bit, if Ward would have written two different books, so we could have more of Novo & Peyton and Saxton & Ruhn. I would have enjoyed it, I just couldn't decided between the 2 pairs, which pair I loved more.
Blood Fury as you know is the 3rd book in the Legacy series, and it follows the trainees that the Brothers are getting ready for the war that continues with the Lessening Society. It really great to see the trainees grow as fighters every new book. And I like learning about each of them personally, so you can see under all their layers. The cool thing about this book, they are now going out in the field and fighting alongside the Brothers now. Which then means, we get to read about more interaction with the Brothers. This makes me very happy.
In Blood Fury, I mentioned it focuses on 2 sets of people. I can't tell you who I loved more. It was equal between them. So yes, everyone gets their HEA, but the one, that probably struck the most, is Saxton. Since he isn't new to me as a character, I've had years to grow attached to him, just like the Brothers. So when Saxton, lost the love of his life to another. It did break our hearts even though, we know he truly never really had him, since Blay was always meant to be with Qhuinn. So I always hoped, in the future he would find someone new. Blood Fury finally granted my wish for Saxton. So when Ruhn happens, this was fantastic. Finally, Saxton gets his HEA. Now granted it wasn't easy, but once they hit some speed bumps, they finally can be with each other. You'll just have to read the book, to see how their relationship kicks off.
Then the next duo we focus on is Novo and Peyton. These two, you either want to slap them, or give them high fives. Talk about being hard headed, if you look in the dictionary, you'll see Novo and Peyton, pictured. But once, they begin to shed some of their tough layers, magic starts to happen. Not, giving details, but things do get very bad before they get very good.
If you haven't started the Legacy series, what are you waiting for? Plus, I feel like you need to read these to continue in the correct order of things. You want to make sure you have no gaps in timeline.
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