
What's been keeping me busy...


Hey everyone! 

So it's been a minute since Once Upon a Twilight has been active. You'll see an occasional post here or on our social media but for the most part, crickets. So much has been happening or can we say "not happening". We know what 2020 was about. It's when the world as we know it, came to a stop.

I personally, can tell you, the pandemic and being home without anything to do, except be home, put a damper on my reading. I can honestly tell you right now, that I haven't read a single book since around March/April 2020. I have tried, trust me, I have. I thought Midnight Sun, would be the one"to get me out of that slump, but sadly, it's still sitting on my night table, collecting dust. 

I have watched lots and lots of series & movies on Netflix, Disney+, Hulu, Amazon Prime, Apple TV, and HBO Max. That is where my attention is when I am not.. creating for CARIBE PRINT BAR

What is Caribe Print Bar you ask? Well my family member and I decided to open new business where we create shirts, decals, resin art, and so much more. Its pretty much working with adhesive and heat transfer vinyl and epoxy resin, to make all the things. We started in October and have been constantly creating since then. It helped with the lockdown from the pandemic. So this is another reason, I haven't been reading, because I use what use to be "reading time" to create new ideas for Caribe Print Bar. 

So I just wanted to come on here and say that Once Upon a Twilight is still here and not going anywhere. Now that 2021, things are starting to get back to "normal", I plan to start posting more often. Very soon, I hope to be able to share with you all content from Houston's Comicpalooza. 

So if you have stuck around and not given up on us, Thank you. 

XOXO, Yara 

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